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Pom-a-poo new owner questions

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by dog_lover, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. dog_lover

    dog_lover New Member

    Hi I am new here. I have aquired a pom-a-poo. I have some questions that maybe someone could answer for me.

    1) She weighed 1lb 10.5 oz at 11 weeks. Anyone know how big I can expect her to get?

    2.) Her mother is a pom, her dad a poodle. She has a pom shaped body, her ears kind of stand up, her hair is longish and wavy. I was wondering what kind of coat type I should expect of her as an adult. Will she be double coated? Curly like a poodle? What if I want to keep her hair long? What kind of grooming will be required - I already own a poodle, and I wanted a dog with longer fur. (I heard that if you never have a poodle groomed the first time, their coat won't look like a typical poodle)

    3.) Odd as it sounds, her mom was a brown pom, dad a white poodle - but my puppy is jet black - think her color will stay the same?

    Anybody else here that has a pom-a-poo? I'd really be interested to hear about your experiences.

  2. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    Hello fellow Pom-a-Poo owner. My little Maya is a pom-a-poo. She resembles more of a pomeranian. She's minature poodle size, however. She's quite sizable at 17 pounds and 15 inches at the shoulders. She's very intelligent. In fact she just learned how to catch a frisbee. My biggest issue I had with Maya was that it took a long time to potty train her and her hair is everywhere!!! But she's an absolute delight.
  3. dog_lover

    dog_lover New Member

    Thanks, Maya is cute. I guess the non shedding poodle trait didn't go into her making huh? My pom-a-poo just turned 12 weeks on Friday, and she is not yet two pounds. I asked the breeder the weight of the parents and she said "About 5 pounds each" if she is telling me the truth I guess Suzy will be around that size too. My old 9 1/2 yr old poodle, Shadow weighs 6 lbs 15 oz - He has put on weight and gotten a bit lazy. But he mostly weighed about 5.5 -6 pounds most of his adult life. I am hoping that Suzy won't outgrow him since he's a senior. She is really fiesty, and wakes me up every morning barking at me at the side of the bed. - I couldn't do the crate thing. Two nights she woke up at around 3 in the morning to relieve herself and eat (had a problem with that in the beginning and worried about hypoglycemia). Anyway, she didn't want to sleep with me, she just wanted to find a place next to Shadow, or some other place of her choosing, and she would go to the potty pad, or eat whenever she had the desire to. After that no more crying at night. She will use her crate though. I catch her going in sometimes for naps. I leave the door open. Then when I take her to the vet, or to my parents, she has a "safe" place she can go when she wants to get away from it all.
    I know I got off topic here, I just like telling about her. Her fur is still going to be a mystery to me. Her head hair is like a poodle puppy. very wavy, curly. Her shoulders the hair is thicker, and on the back end its more rough (feels like a wooly undercoat) She hasn't hit the "puppy uglies" yet, but I can see her starting to change. - They grow up too fast.
    I am having trouble with the housebreaking too. Its not all her fault though. The poodle is completely housebroke, and has been for years and years. But the thing with her is I am wanting to make sure she has enough immunity before I start letting her outside too much because other dogs and cats wander into my yard and I don't want her to catch something. She uses puppy pads to pee on, but she does the other business wherever she chooses. (usually on the carpeted areas - of course) I don't know why she won't use the pads for that. The vet says she doesnt weigh enough to use the products like frontline for fleas - wants her to be at least two pounds, so I don't let her out much for that reason either.
    Thanks for listening

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