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Pomeranian: 9 mos. only 2lbs

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by tiapom, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. tiapom

    tiapom New Member

    I recently got a 9 month old pomeranian from a breeder who had intended to breed her but could not because of her size. My first question is is this weight doomed for health problems and second, will she get any bigger? At what age do they stop growing? Any info would help. Thanks!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Small breed dogs usually reach there adult height and weight at 12months old unlike the larger breeds which is usually 24 months older for some breeds...

    If she is really small for her age and breed then there could be a hereditry which if is the case then i am glad the breeder did not decide to breed from her when she gets older as this will pass on to her litters causing more problems..

    To be honest i personally think that the mother of this pup should never have been bred from if its in her line and the sire should not have been used if stumped growth is in his lines.

    Inbreeding can cause these sorts of problems aswell, I would have a vet do a thorough check over, Blood, Eyes, Hips, Heart everything to make sure there is nothing wrong with her....

    Sorry i could not be much more help

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Ive seen quite a few Poms of around 5# but 2# is tiny, nothing really to add to what Mikes said, have a thorough check up with your vet, that way if the are any problems you will be aware of them. Sometimes everything is fine internally, could have been from a small dam and sire and this is the runt.

    One of my dogs years ago had a healthy litter of 7 pups, she was Sheltie sized and the sire was a lab ( :oops: I know...but I was young....it was in the days when the vets in UK wouldnt spay a bitch until after her first heat, Id kept her inside for weeks and then one day I opened the door to pay the milkman....and she was gone!!!) Anyway the pups at 8 weeks old all weighed around 7 or 8# except for little 'Spider' who was a healthy 2#

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