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poopy puppy in pa

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MANDY'S MOM, Jan 22, 2005.


    MANDY'S MOM New Member

    I have an 8 month old yorkshire terrier....sooo cute.....but every morning and every day when i get home from work i have to clean up the poopy crate and giver her a bath. We got her when she was 5 months old from another family whose daughter got sick so they couldn't keep her. I know she can make it thru the night becasue for awhile i was getting up at 400am to let her out and worked my way to my regular 630am wake up. Her crate was clean, then she just started going again. I had towels in there that i washed every day. Then it dawned on me that maybe she smelled it on the towels and that was why she kept going ion her crate, so i got piddle pads. Two mornings in a row she was clean!!!! YEAH!!! Then back to poopy again!! I'm gone from 745am until 130pm at work and i hate comming home to a poopy puppy. HELP!!!!
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Her crate may be too big. But also, yorkies have very small bladders and should not have to hold it for too long. Can you put her crate in the bathroom, leave the door open and put her pee pads on the floor out side of the crate. along with food and water. Shut the bathroom door (toilet top too, don't want her drowning) I know a gal that has yorkies and she leaves her girl in her bedroom, but always has a pee pad down. Her yorkie is at least two or three years of age. They just can't hold it that long.
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    hello i have 2 yorkies and they are both 2 years old now and we still have accidents yorkies are very hard to potty train it's like they forget or something. Mine get run of the house while i'm gone but i leave the back slider open enough for them to go out and potty sometimes they do sometimes they go on the floor (they dont like the pads at all they think they are shreadding toys). Puttin gave some good advice try that if you can good luck and i would love to see pictures i love yorkies
  4. ShowandAgilityPaps

    ShowandAgilityPaps New Member

    I agree, I think that is too long to expect them to hold it. Yorkies have pretty fast metabolisms so you have to consider that they need to make more trips to the b/r than a larger dog. I would keep her in a room that has tile flooring and I'd provide some kind of area for her to use the b/r. It could be piddle pads or a litter box.

    Best of luck,

    MANDY'S MOM New Member

    Thanks for the advice. I don't think her crate is too big. She's in one that is fairly small and i have accually put something in the back of it to take up most of the space. She has about 10" or so(i'm not good at guessing measurements) that she can turn around in and...poop in. I've given up on the pee padss and am back to the towels.
    I've been getting up at 430 or so every morning for the past 6 nights. I feel like the mother of a newborn again!!! She does have a clean crate though. That makes for a happier mommy and Mandy!!!!
    I do have a hard time with letting her go in the house somewhere. Most all the info I've read on housebreaking says that you should never let your dog think it's ok to go anywhere in the house. When i first got her i started to do the paper training in my daughter's bathroom, but that was really messy. There was pee and poop all over the bathroom and her. I think I'd rather just clean the crate than the whole bathroom.
    You can tell she loves to please because when we take her outside to go pee pee we always take a little treat and when she goes she looks for us to give it to her. She is my little sweetie!!

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