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Poor Copper's bad day...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by coppersmom, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    It actually started Saturday. I changed my sheets back to the navy blue ones and found out that Copper has tapeworms--again! :shock: :x I had to work Saturday so I couldn't take him for the shot (he can't take the pills). It was pretty gross waiting until today to get him treated. :0024: So I took him today. Usually he is very docile at the vets because he's so scared. But not this time! I had to wrestle with him to get him out and back in the crate and he poked me several times. :m36: After she gave him the shot I went ahead and had them put the Frontline on him there--since he was being so bad. And to top it off, he hasn't lost any weight. He weighed 18.3 pounds! :shock: I guess I have to be more diligent about keeping him out of Sabrina's food.

    Then I came home and put Frontline on Sabrina and cleaned out one of the dog's ears so everyone is running from me now!
  2. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Sounds like you've have a couple of interesting and stressful days. Hope everything will settle down now that everything is taken care of.
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Thanks Sunset. I hope things are calming down!
  4. shnen

    shnen New Member

    My goodness - they keep you on your toes eh?

    how does a cat get tapeworms?

    I hope all the fuzzes get healthy and out of their hiding spots soon! :)
  5. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    How funny... well, not funny... more ironic.

    First my cat has peeing issues and you tell me about your problems.

    Now, you have tapeworms to deal with and I just delt with those a few months ago. (Pilling 5 cats = not fun)

    I guess life's never dull with animals around.

    I'm sure they'll forget about it all and warm back up to you.

    I think you need a vacation!
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Shnen, tapeworms are passed by injesting a flea. I treated Copper (and the other animals) over a month ago but was in denial that they had fleas. Now I treated him for both.

    LOL Lucidity, I DO need a vacation! I go on little camping trips and enjoy them so much because I can actually sleep thru the night. My dogs don't wake up when they're at my Mom's and the cats are fine for a couple of days while I am gone. Although I used to have quite a mess to clean up...the last time Cop did great and I didn't booby trap too much. I can't imagine pilling 5 cats--especially if they are like Copper. How is Tash doing???
  7. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Thanks for asking - he's ok. I have a water bowl by the chair (after the carpet was cleaned) and tin foil on the landing. He's sniffed around but I haven't seen him do anything.

    There was a drop of something wet by the foil last night but I think (hope) it was melted snow from my shoe. It didn't smell so I think we're still in the clear.

    I've debated actually taking my cats camping but I know that would be a disaster and I would lose those whole sleep aspect of the trip! I don't think they'd be too pleased, anyway.

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