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Poor dogs, Totally heartbreaking.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    In my opinion, pit bulls are one of the most abused creatures on the Earth. I just hope from this day forward, a Human Savior will come and take each and every one of them and let them live their lives as they were meant to be. As a family dog.
  3. santasdoggie

    santasdoggie New Member

    Post removed by admin.
    Trolls are not welcomed here.

    Thank you

  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Well, Santasdoggie, No originally pit bulls were bred in Europe and given the name of "Bullenbeissers" and were valued for their ability to control unruly cattle, earning their keep as butcher's dogs. That's when competitions between neighboring town started when butchers competed on who's dog was the best at controlling cattle. Later the cruel practice of bull-baiting came about in which a bull was tormented for hours for entertainment. Almost every town in England had a bull-baiting ring. When the English migranted to America in the mid-1800's, bull dogs were used as all purpose guard dogs and farm dogs and hunting dogs.. Later in the early 1900's the bull dog was bred to be bigger for a variety of reasons thus taking on the name of pit bull. Later in years the illegal sport of dog fighting had developed.

    In the 20th century, pit bulls moved from fame as pit fighters to fame as a national symbol. The pit bull's reputation for courage and tenacity combines with good nature, made him a natural as the dog symbol of the United States.

    So actually they were bred for farm dogs, familily dogs, and hunting dogs. And you're right when you said the wrong element of people have taken it upon themselves to abuse this breed because of their tenacity and their strenghth for their own immoral reasons.

    People like me and a lot of other people are trying our best to change that. We want the pit bull back in the home with the family.
  5. someday

    someday New Member

    Well said loves-da-pits!
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Have to point out that back in the day after bull baiting became illegal they came up with "ratting" which is truly where the Pit Bull of today came from... the "Pit" was where they put rats and each dog that killed the most rats won... In books the classic famous dogs of old when stats are listed teh "ratting" stats are first and then the fighting stats are listed.

    THAT said... The dogs were cared for by people who made their living gambling or ranching or both... Sooooo dogs were taken to bars where they had both Rat Pits and Dog fighting rings set up for bets. The dogs were washed by the opponents owner etc handled by MANY strangers and then pitted against one another in a sort of boxing match type thing... Scratching won points and the dogs who scratched to get on top was the winner... sooooo most often the battles went on for quite some time but not to the death...once a dog was deemed to have 'quit' the handlers broke them apart using parting sticks, vetted them throughouly and went home to their family's where the dog likely slept in bed with the kids... THESE were workign dogs during the day earning their keep and then fighting dogs by night doing the same... They were valued as more than money makers but as pets even by the dogmen of old. GRANTED fighting is cruel and barbaric (boxing is as well IMO) but to say that they were cruel to their dogs to "make" them fight is a little far from the truth of the breed. They were BRED to fight and a dog that didn't fight was culled if they had to force anything the dog was not worth it...

    If you've ever seen a Pit Bull...true APBT, game dog.... there's no QUESTION that you do not have to be cruel to them to cause them to fight...it does come rather naturally. Kids these days bait them which is un-necessary and think they need to BEAT them to make them ACT mean... because they THINK that's what a "fighting" dog should be...

    I'm glad fighting is illegal, boxing should be to in that cas, but to state that all people who had Pit Bulls were and are cruel is not correct in any way... The people who created the breed did so because they loved the dogs and what they were capable of... Weight Pullling with them is about as close as one can get to seeing in action what these guys are capable of and thank goodness for that... Thugs who abuse their pits are not worthy of even putting in teh same category as those men who created and cultivated the breed in the first place.

    YES theire desecendants were used and butcher's dogs and yes the APBT themselves were utilized as more than fighters.... BUT their purpose was borne from the people fighting and from the pit...to deny that is to not look realistically at what the breed is and was for and is and was capable of.

    Okay I'm done going off...LOL
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Someone posted a site once a long time ago that talked about pit bulls in the past and had all sorts of historical photos with pits in them - including posters from one of the World Wars with a pit bull representing America. Anyone know where that site is?
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I think its at ABDBA???
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I know the site you're talking about but I can't remember which one it is...found it once or twice but not again... Colby site has some good pics but not of Helen Keller etc... She had a Pit... LOTS of folks did...
  10. mogsmom

    mogsmom New Member

    Police made an arrest Friday - Donald Thompson, 37, faces 14 D felony charges of promoting dogfighting after authorities said 30 of his pit bulls seized last week showed signs of injury and scarring.

    Investigators believe Thompson may have conducted dogfights at his home in the 2900 block of Cumberland Road.

    Police arrested Thompson after he went to the kennel to visit his dogs. Thompson's bond was set at $50,000

    That was a quote from the story...

    If anybody lives near there you should go pay him a vist...
    Or even a nice phone call wouldn't hurt... Do it for the poor dogs...

    *not advocating violence by any means*

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