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Potty accidents on the increase.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pekepoo4u, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. pekepoo4u

    pekepoo4u New Member

    Well, along with gas prices, we are experiencing an increase in potty accidents. Our Sescie is now 5 months old and we seem to be loosing ground with the potty thing. We had her spay a few weeks ago and prior to that were only experiencing a few accidents a week in the house. Now it seems that it occurs at least once a day or so. She is crate trained for the most part but while out and about in the house the accidents seem to be increasing. she is taken out several times a day and sometimes the accident occurs after coming back in from an unsuccessful potty break. Is it possible that the spay surgery (she recovered easily without any complications) is part of the cause of the accidents. I am grasping at straws here, as we are new at puppy parenting. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    EDIT.. I will also add that she seems a bit more defiant as well. ie..Not responding to commands that she did prior to surgery.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm not sure if the spay would cause a lapse in potty habits but for the above dilemma I would crate her after each unsuccessful potty break for about 15 mins. or so and then try again and repeat if neccesary. She can have free time only after she has a successful potty break....this will prevent indoor accidents from occuring.

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