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Preventative Medications

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, May 21, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hey everyone ~ just Mrs. Askalot again.. :lol:

    When you brought your pup to the vet for the first time and the examined him/her, did they also start them on medication (for heartworm etc.)?

    While doing some research a couple of nights ago, I came across an article stating that puppies are 'over medicated' in many experts opinion.

    The article I read compared puppies to children. Children get vacinnations, booster shots etc. until a certain age and then it is stopped ~ because the child's immune system should learn to fight off germs etc. on its own.

    It went on to say that puppies are often given all sorts of toxins/poisons to 'prevent' things from happening for years and years (again, whereas the preventative process is stopped early with children).. rather than let their immune systems do what they are meant to do ~ fight.

    I'm just wondering what your opinions are on this. Of course, no one wants to see their puppy contract anything, but this article provided some interesting points.


  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    here is articles you may find interesting ,there is information there on all types illnesses .I got it from Auburn University links to the vet manual they use

    http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index ... _24100.htm

    Most of all poo...talk to YOUR vet about this issue ,we are not vets ,articles can and are written everyday by hundreds of different people ,they can be true or overkill to get attention ,YOUR vet knows the right procedures to go ,please talk to him/her before you ever make a decision .
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thanks Malti! What a great site, I can get lost in there! I have bookmarked it also as I'm sure I'll refer to it often :wink:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I can't remember the specifics, if you are really interested in knowing, I'll go and dig up Mickey & Tigger's papers stating what shots and stuff they got. But, my vet did the "norm"...the initial shots, a couple boosters thereafter, and that was it. (Mickey & Tigger go in for their 16 month shots later this year though) Then of course, I bought their monthly heartworm chewables and flea treatments. Everything my vet does in regards to my dogs (i.e. shots) I completely agree with, so that has never been an issue for me!

    In addition, they periodically go in for a blood panel test which my vet recommends to check just about anything and everything!

    Each vet has their own opinion on what is best, and that is definitely something that you and your vet will have to discuss. If you don't understand what she is saying, or need ANY clarification, whatever you do, do not hesitate to ask...any good vet should be more than willing to spend time talking with you about anything you may wonder about!

    Hope that helped! :D
  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    so would mine poogirl ,so if you need any other opinions,please use another vets ,mine or shihpoos or even another vet in your area .better always to talk to yours ,vets are quite capable of knowing what works in their areas the best .
    You gave good advice shihpoo ...talking to a vet is a sure thing . :y_the_best:
  6. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thank you both!!!

    I will talk to the vet for sure about all this and make sure I'm comfortable with what's going on.

  7. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    When I brought my pup to the vet, she gave me samples of sentinel--a pill for heartworm, internal parasites and I thnk fleas. After doing some research, I decided to switch to interceptor for heartworm and frontline top spot for fleas. My vet was fine with that choice and didnt really have much advice to give regarding brands.

    If you are planning on using a topical flea med--i would stay away from bio spot and advantix--i have read some bad things about them--frontline has been around for a while with less reports of problems. also, some vets do not recommend revolution--as some dogs have gotton heartworm while on it. but of course, depending on who you talk to and what you read--there will be opinions contradicting my own.

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