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Problems.... Peeing on Floor

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DaveM26, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Well for the past 2 months our 6 month old Brittany was 100% house trained, he would always run to the back door and bark to get our attention when he had to go pee or Poo, Starting the other day
    the odd time he will bark to go outside and other times he just walks into the kitchen for a drink of water then later we find a puddle of pee on the floor, or sometimes he just wanders about and pees in other places.

    hes now been fixed for about 3 weeks now we havent changed anything in his diet or sleep times or anything and we cant figure this out

    any suggestions?

    thanks Dave.

    BTW : all places were he has pee'd has been well washed and cleaned up.
    all floors washed and re waxed
  2. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Hmmm...I would recommend starting over with him like you did when you first got him, we had to do this briefly with Ranger and in about 2 days he was back to normal. Although, you may also want to have a vet check him out since it could be something wrong. Ranger also did it for a little when he was on some type of medicene for an allergic reaction to something. Also, make sure you clean the areas he pees and poops with either vinegar water or something like nature's miracle that will take away the smell.
  3. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    It's possible he has a urinary infection...so, I would suggest you call the vet. I'm sure it's nothing, but better to be safe .....

    Keep us posted...

    By the way.... how has he been doing since his surgery? I know you were worried about him, so was just curious on how his healing process went.
  4. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I would say you are not going to be able to leave him unattended for a while. And start back over on the housebreaking. I block off carpeted areas from my dogs even now...but they have "old lady" issues now lol. But even before that, I blocked them with baby gates so that if they peed it was on the vinyl floor.

    But my Mom's pom still pees/marks and he is fixed. When he's at my house, he is either in the kitchen or tethered to me by a leash. There's just too many smells at my house.
  5. Killerbee2

    Killerbee2 New Member

    I say try starting back on square one. Make sure it knows that you are the boss and you are not liking what it is doing and it needs to fix that! Make sure you are teaching it right and look it straight in the eyes and tell Him/Her NO! Show Some anger so it knows that you are not playing around. GOOD LUCK! 8)


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