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Protection or Jeolousy?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by puttin510, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    From the day I got my poodle sasha 3 1/2 years ago, whenever she has sat on my lap she won't let any other dog get near me without snarling. She will stop if I make her and hold her back. Not to much trouble. But I have wondered all this time if she is protecting me or if she is jeolous and thinks I might like another dog better or something. She won't allow even Rufus to come near.She does not get overly aggressive about it. When I am down on the floor I can pet any dog. She on the other hand guards herself and is very weary of any dog. She won't go after them, she just prefers to be left alone. She snarls at them if they won't stop smelling her. She does the pretend snap to ward them off. She really just prefers humans most of the time. Or actually me or my hubby. What do you all think?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    IMO, it sounds like resource guarding...just as some dogs guard their bones or toys. It sounds like Sasha might be guarding you or your lap, "This is my lap, go away or else! :m3: " Or I guess it could just be that the other dog is too close to her personal space since she gets growly if other dogs are too close to her even while off of your lap.

    When I was dog sitting my cousin's beagle x Natalie would guard my lap by quickly plopping on top of it or by body blocking the beagle if she came near me while I was sitting on the couch.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I too think it sounds like a case of resource guarding! :y_the_best: If she had a lot of other dogs at home in which she had to compete against for attention, then I'd probably say that there's definitely some jealousy issues added in (along w/ resource guarding), but such is not the case in your home from what I understand.

  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thats what I was thinking. She gets alot of attention. When I'm home she is glued to me. She will do body blocks too. Poor
    rufus will just sulk away if she does that. I have to just tell her to knock it off and let rufus share the other side of the lap. He's really not much of a lap dog, but once in awhile he'll come up for a bit. Sasha is the alpha here too. I was hoping she was doing it because she just loved me so darn much. But that all makes sence. I don't know if she comes from a home with alot of dogs. One thing I do know is she was neglected. Just by the looks of her before picture. I think I like the thought of her loving me so much not her loving me for what I can do for her. LOL
    Again when she's on the ground she only growls at a dog when they want to be forceful with her. Once in a blue moon she will act as if she cares about them.

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