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Pug with "slight" eye irritation

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by noggin, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. noggin

    noggin New Member

    Thank you all so much for the help in the past - I truly appreciate it, and Noggin does too.

    Currently, I think Noggin suffers from allergies. He has an itchy rear. He doesnt scoot, nor do I find any expression when checking. He LOVES to be scratched around the base of his tail and on his hind legs.

    Recently, I've noticed that he keeps his left eye slightly closed. Been noticing that for several days now. I clean his tear ducts constantly by gently wiping them with tissue. His eyes and facial folds are cleaned regularly. His left eye seems to be irritating to him. Its just "slightly" closed. AND - just today,,, I can notice "more" skin on his upper left eyelid near the inner facial tear duct. It just looks slightly different than his right eyelid,,,, not swolen,,,, just has the appearance of having a few less hairs on it,,, a bit more pinkish. I carefully inspected his eyelid for ingrowing hairs that may be contacting his eyeball, couldn't see anything there. His eyelids do appear normal,,, not curling inward or anything. If he's rubbing it, he's doing this out of my site, and I'm around him most of the day.

    CAN THIS BE allergies as well?? Unfortunately, I avoid the vet due to severe lack of funding because my last COWARDLY, SPINELESS, JERK-@SSED GREEDY employer laid me of to go to INDIA!!!! - damn this country!!!! and thank you too india.

    I hope it isn't an infection. Doesn't appear bad now,,, and am watching it closely to make sure it doesn't increase or worsen.... :oops:

    THANK YOU for any and all help provided!! - I do see a visit to the vet ultimately if this continues,,,, or doesnt clear up on its own.

    Todd and Noggin
  2. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    "Dogs commonly manifest their allergies by skin irritation with scratching being a primary symptom. Some dogs do show irritation to their eyes and ears "
    Could just be the allergies, though I'm not so sure why it would only be affecting one eye? My guess is that he has something in his eye that is bothering him, or maybe he scratched it, or hit it on something? (My siberian was a worst-case scenario, she climbed over her enclosure because huskies are escape artists and fell on the side of her face, as a result she has glaucoma in her right eye :cry: I know this isn't the case for your pug, but just to say that it's not as weird as it sounds that he may have hit his eye on something so it's irritated.)

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