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Puma, my cat is sick. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by bekah, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. bekah

    bekah New Member

    He has already thew up 3 times. The first time allot and the second, the third time just a little nothing in his stomauch to put out anymore.

    When I went to pick him up he had a little spase attack, he couldn't stand up on his own last night, I had to move him onto my bed.

    I'm planning on taking him to the Vet, but I was wondering if there was something I can do now. I have Benadyl(children) but it's not for upset stomauck, only runny noise, soar throught, watery eyes etc... What can I do now?

    He has not gotten into anything that is chemicals I hardly have any in the house and if I do it's in the cabinet which my cats don't even try opening, my bathroom door stays closed pretty much all the time, and if it's open there is nothing lying around for them to get into.

    I was feeding him the Science Diet hairball controll Light food, but then I switched over to the "Supreme hairball Control" not the Light one that I use to get. Then all of the sudden he gets sick, could it be because of to many chemicals in the heavy hairball control? Or did I do it wrong by not introducing it to him slowly like I should have.

    I give him some of that Benadryl last night and this morning he can now stand and walk on his own, but not firmly, he still looks like he's a little drunk if you know what I mean.

    Is there something I can do now, maybe by another Benadryl' for stomouck pain, hi's fever went away from the Benadryl I give him last night. Should I try feeding him some soft kitty food to get him eating? Or does this sound more seriouse then I think it is.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I wouldn't give anything since you don't know what's going on. Benadryl is more allergy related and can cause anxiety in some pets. I would wait to see what the vet says.
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I agree with Mary; wait until the vet. Personally, I wouldn't give my cats any human medicine... they could react quite differently. You could make the situation worse.

    I hope you can get to the vet soon and see what's going on. I hope your cat's okay.
  4. bekah

    bekah New Member

    thanks you guys for your response. But Benadryl was actually recommended by my Vet when Matty my other cat would get sick because of Vet injected Vacinations and what not. So that's why I know it's safe to give it to my cats.

    Puma's fever has gone down sense I give him the Childrens Benadryl last night. He don't have the fever anymore, he's walking on his own but still wabbly. Anyways, I have already made an appointment my Vet and taking him there this afternoon, hopefully it's nothing to worry about.

    I have seen on TV that when a dog has this very same simptoms, it's a fetal deases that causes death in dogs, I'm really hoping it's not for cats or it's not what Puma has. I'm hoping is an allergic reaction he had to the food, sense not all animals are the same.

    Thanks again! I really like this forum better then any others.
  5. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Good luck. Maybe it's something simple and he just got a bug. It's scary to see your cat act like that. I hope the vet can find out what's wrong.
  6. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Thank you, I hope it was just a bug he cought or the food I give him last night had an allergic reaction to it, either way I'm still changing the food, cause my other cat Matty not eating much of this food, he doesn't really eat that much and for him just to stop eating at once would be to much, so I'm changing this food either way.

    I lift him up from the bed and he got up, jump out of the bed, didn't calps on the floor as I suspected and was walking around way much better. So I give him some more Benadryl and maybe by this afternoon he'll be walking without wabbling and back to eating and drinking, because that's one thing he's not doing right now.

    But this will not stop me from taking Puma to the Vet, he needs the Vet anyways. I just added him to the family sense April and I haven't been able to take him to the Vet, so I guess this is my chance.
  7. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Just want to update you guys on Puma's current condition. After going to the Vet yesterday and having them do so many test just to find out whats going on with him. Puma didn't have a good reaction with all the test that they were doing on him. He started panting like a dog when they are really thirsty or in a car ride with no A/C. Puma also pee'd on the blanket, but his bladder was full sense yesterday. Well they kept him for a few hours to finish up the test and just to keep on eye on him.

    I tried several times to keep my cool not to cry. Tears come to my eyes just as soon as the Dr. left the room, but then it takes some time for them to come back so I had time to gain my senses back. Then after the last test, when the Vet came into the room and told me what was going on, that he had a parasite in his blood stream, she just kept on talking and talking and I'm there listening, I burst out in tears. If she would have left the room I wouldn't have burst out in tears. When something wrong is going on, I prefer the person get straight to the point and not try to make me feel better. But I know it's in human nature to try and console the other person, so I just couldn't hold my self anymore. I tried must was 10 times before I finally burst out in tears. Well I'm all teared out, and really hope that Puma comes out of this feeling and healthy.

    Ok, so the Vet tells me he has Feline Lukemia and that his red blood cells are practically all gone, he's down to just 7% which in her mind 95% he would not make it. But she told me that he has a spank to him, he's not lying around lazzy with no strenght, he still have some strenght left in him.

    She give me two choices,

    First one to get a blook trasnfusion which would have costed me up to 1,200 hundred dollar with no gurantee's that he would survive that ordeal by the morning. Or they could do another test which in turned found out that he has a parasite in his blood stream and therefore attacking all the red blood cells in his body leaving him down to just 7%.

    Second solution, which I took was to go home with an antibiotics to give him which in turn would kill the parasites and hope that he gets better or stays the same, but does not get any worse then what he is right now.

    I give him his pil last night at 9pm and again this morning at 9am, so every 12 hours until gone. He is doing way much better, he was able to use the litter box by him self, with my help putting him there, although he can walk and jump off my bed, but can't jump up to my bed or anything like that. But he is doing way much better, considering I have to feed him through a syrenge and also give him water through that so he doesn't dehidrate and gains his strenght back.

    The Vet didn't tell me anything about feeding him. She just told me that he should eat on his own, but I can't stand here and watch him not eat when I know he loves to eat, especially when I have the soft medicated food they like, so I feed him several of the surenge every 4 to 6 hours and I also give him water.

    I don't want to say that I know he'll make it, so I'll keep you guys updated here in a few days on Puma's condition. I should know by tomorrow if he is getting any better or he might be slowly recuperating sence it does take about 7 days for his red blood cell to reporduce and bring him back to health.

    Thank you guys for listening
  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    The poor thing! I hope he pulls through.

    When I was at the vet a couple weeks ago (with a cat and an unknown illness), I came home and cried most the evening assuming my cat would die. So far my cat has pulled through. I know what you mean about trying to keep your emotions in. I couldn't go back to the vet with my hubby for the results because I couldn't stop crying! I'm sure they see it a lot but I hate to cry in front of people.

    It sounds like you're doing everything you can for the cat.

    Did the vet give you Nutrical? (If you don't know, it's a high calorie paste that cats usually love.) When my cat was starving, the vet gave it to use to keep her alive until she would eat on her own again.

    Keep us updated.
  9. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Hi Luci,

    Yeah, I know what you mean about not crying in front of people, I hate it to, but I just can't help it when they stand there and go on forever and don't give you a break to take all this in. If she would have left the room I wouldn't have gotten emotional, but then I was with my sister and my mom and 3 kids, so getting home and crying alone was going to be a tough one.

    No the Vet didn't give me what your talking about. Would they do is they give you "Hill's Priscription Deit" food, they love this too. But I have to add water to eat because Puma won't eat it even though it's soft but he still have to get glops of it in his mouth, so I add water mix it up and feed it to him in a syrenge, it's easier and he eats it, doesn't give me any problmes to feed it to him. But tomorrow I will try and just feed him in a spoon without adding water, hopefully he's feeling much better.

    I can say now that he has not gotten worse, which was wat the Vets was expecting. He is getting better, he uses the litter on his own, he's now drinking water on his own, but still can't jump up on my bed where I have him resting. Huh, he normally don't even come on my bed but maybe for a few minutes to be petted and then he goes. He loveeeesss my puppy dog, he's always wanting to stay close to her, and she wants to smell him. Anyways, I better stop before I get worked up again.
  10. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Hi Luci,

    Sorry, I was so cought up in my emotions and what is going on with Puma, I didn't ask how was your cat. How's you cat doing. What was the prognosis of the illiness of your cat?

    So far, Puma is doing just fine. Thank God, he is going to make it. He now eats his own hard food, he don't even want to know about the soft food any longer after the first day.

    He can jump up on my bed and jump down, jump the window, but he is still not as active as he is normally. At least he doesn't twich any longer, so the parasite must be all dead by now and he's growing his new Red blood cells, thank God.

    According to my Vet, 99.% he was not going to make it, that's why I couldn't hold my self at the Vet's office. She did tell me it's a possibility, but no gurantee's what-so-ever. So now she can say that she has seen two cats, and not just one cat come out of the ordeal I went through with this type of prignossis.
  11. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Thanks for asking about my cat. She had a bladder stone that needed surgically removed. It took the vet a month to figure this out so my cat was barely 6 pounds and was all bones. The vet wants her on the special diet so she doesn't develop the stone again. That stresses me because I'm feeding her the food but she's also eating the usual dry food I leave out. I did buy Urinary Heatlh food so if she eats it, it's at least formulated for that problem. It's a very stressful situation.

    I'm glad your cat is better for now. I guess it's a day by day process.

    It's hard when your cats are like kids and you see them suffer. But, I think it's worth it.
  12. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Hi Luci,

    Why did it take your Vet 1 month to find out what was going on with your cat? I don't understand that. I have herd allot of people's cat has that Bladder Stone and I herd it herts too.

    My Vet did allot of test, fecal, urine, and blood test and was testing all types, I mean I did pay about 300 some dollars for all those test they had to do, to figure out what was going on with Puma. I'm glad she did because he would have gotten worse. Did you try changing Vets and see if you have better care with another Vet? Just a suggestion. They should not have taken 1 months to figure out what was going on for something so simple as Bladder Stones.

    Did the Vet tell you about what causes the Bladder Stones? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions. I want to see if I can prevent that from happening to my cats. I have them on hairball control diet and hope they have something out there I can give them to prevent certain things from happening to them.

    You know one question puzzles me, why do out door cats last allot longer then indoor cats. I don't get this. I think in door cats should have more of a life span then those of an out door cats, because they are well taken care of and they are not out there catching whatever deases or bacteria they could be cathing.

    I think it's my fault I didn't take Puma to the Vet when I first got him, I mean I only had him for 2 months only and all of the sudden he falls sick. I took my other Cat to the Vet becuase I just wanted to make sure he was going to make it.

    I also have a puppy and I took her to the Vet when she was 2 months old, that's when I got her.

    I should have taken Puma to the Vet. The only reason it was stopping me from taking Puma to the Vet is because he looked allot healthier then Matty my other cat did. Puma had a few of his shots and just needed his rabbies vacc. so that's why I didn't rush to take him to the Vet until I had to on Monday on an emergency notice.
  13. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    It took the vet a month because at first it just looked like a UTI. Her urine sample showed an infection and she was treated with antibiotics. She didn't even originally go in because I thought she had a urinary problem. I took her in because she got really skinny. Apparently she wasn't eating due to the pain.

    So, after close to two weeks on antibiotics, I noticed she hadn't improved. So, we took her back. The vet couldn't get a urine sample from her (since she peed in the carrier during the car ride.) Thus, the vet put her on another round on antibiotics for two more weeks.

    Finally, I took her back once more and said it wasn't working. THEN the vet did x-rays and found the stone.

    They probably could've found it earlier and I'm not sure why it took so long. But, at least she's alive and it's all in the past now. I just feel bad that Chloe was in such pain for so long.

    As for causes, the vet said it was pretty much genetic. There was no predicting it. And, there's nothing we did or could have done to cause it.

    How's Puma doing? Still okay?
  14. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Oh wow, I knew there was more to the story. Oh my, it must have been pretty hard for her to go through that pain as well as your self to see that nothing was working. But I'm glad that she is ok and happy and that is the thing of the past. I read up on the Bladder Stone and now I know what are the side effects of that, so if that were to happen I'll have an idea if they ever have that. I guess is like humans having kiddney stones because of not using the bathroom as often as we should be using it.

    Oh yes, Puma is doing pretty good. He is his normal self now, only he don't care to play as much just right now. He is still on those antibiotics plus I'm giving him Iron pills because he was resulting to eating his kitty litter for Iron. So now he is no longer trying to eat the littler rocks. Once in awhile I catch him eating it just before I have to give him another dose, so I just give him that dose of Iron.

    I'm really hopping that the Lukemia deases drops from him and he's not a carrier, becuase that would be really tough for me to go through. I really hopes his body can get rid of the Lukema like it states on the Banfield Wellness Plan Website.
  15. Goldy Cat

    Goldy Cat New Member

    How is Puma doing now? It sounds like a miricle that he/she is surviving the Leukemia, what a trooper. :eek:

    Goldy Cat/Mel
  16. bekah

    bekah New Member

    Puma is doing great. He is him self as usuall. He is now a little more close to me, lol... I guess is because I took care off him while he was sick. I am so glad and happy that he pulled through this because according to my vet how she spoke and what she was telling me how it's not guaranteed that he would not survive, I really thouhgt that he would have died. I prayed about him to Jesus and the next morning I saw big improvement. I only have God to thank that he blessed Puma for me. Even my husband said a prayer for Puma, I had called him right after I got home from the Vet's office. Puma and my dog are realy close together, were ever Macy my puppy is u can be sure to find Puma next to her, but Puma likes being w/ me fot the most part. I'm glad to have Puma back and healthy. Now all is left to do is to sign him up for the wellness Plan from Bandfield and take to him to the Vet for his routine shots and follow ups. I should have signed him up for the plan when I got him but I was relying on the Shelter and what the had told me that he had almost all his shots but was not true. I called them back and they told me he only had 1 shot, that just got me up set. I will never believe them again when adopting a pet. But I'm glad Puma is recuperating and I really hope that the Lukemia will go away and that he will not be a carrier of the deases as some cat do.

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