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pup got fixed today

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by zarate, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Well, I brought my dog home today after being neutered and he's very restless. He just turned 11 months a couple of days ago, he was supposed to get fixed awhile ago but due to a lot of things it was put off until today. He won't even sit with me on the floor and he LOVES blankets. Now he is actually laying down so I think he was restless because the anesthesia was still in his system. Has anyone else experienced with their dogs? The vet says the lil guys seem to have a little more trouble with spay/neutering than a big dog does. I have an oversized chi. Well not really. He's not fat, but muscular he weighs a little over 9 pounds. Any pointers for making him feel more comfy? Thanks!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So he was neutered yesterday?

    It can take up to 24 hours for the effects of the anaesthetics to wear off depending on what they used on him. Usuall they want to sleep mostly, just make sure that hes warm (not too warm). Have you offered him any food or water yet? He should get this in small amounts initially, sometimes they can vomit after anaesthesia espeically if they eat or drink too quick.
    That said they sometimes wont eat for the first day after surgery which for a larger dog this probably wouldnt do any harm but with a small dog you should try and get him to eat something this morning (if he was neutered yesterday) even if its just a couple of bites of food every couple of hours.

    Then dont encourage any running around, let him go at his own pace (the general rule is no running, jumping, playing for about 5 days (10 days for a female after a spay).
  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Yes, he was fixed yesterday (thursday) and when we got home I let him settle in for a bit, then offered him just a little bit of water to see how he'd respond. 15 minutes passed and he didn't vomit so I offered him a little food, waited another 15 mintues he was fine, so then I gave him a little more food, and so on. Afterwards he would sleep, then go drink water...go outside and he kept doing that. Finally he must have gotten just enough rest that he was back to his playful self. Not full throttle, but you could tell he was feeling better. I did have to keep the cat in the back part of the house cuz the two of them play a lot and I didn't want them to get too rough. But how in the world am I supposed to keep him from jumping? I finally had to put him in his kennel for awhile today so he could rest because he was just too playful. His kennel is plenty big for him and he likes being in there, so it wasn't stressful. But I can't leave him in there all the time....yet I can't let him get so wound up either. And if I sit with him he'll only sit a minute then he brings his toys over to me for play time. Any suggestions to calm him down? A lady my mom knows had her golden retriever fixed (don't recall if it was male or female) and when she got the dog home it was off the wall, so they ended up having to give her some benedryl to calm her down. My dog isn't to that extreme, but would this be an option, or is the kennel a better idea? When he's in his kennel he lays down and sleeps unless there is a lot going on, which we keep it quiet here until he's recovered. Thanks a bunch!
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Check with your vet before you give any meds including Benedryl, while it makes most dogs sleepy Ive seen it also have the opposite effect and can make them agitated, some dogs cant handle it either. Theres also a risk of overdose, just give your vet a quick call and see what they recommend.

    He would be better off in his crate if you cant keep him quiet, alternatively you could put him on a leash and attach the leash to something to keep him a little calmer while your sitting with him (I wouldnt leave him tied to anything if your not there). Its okay for him to have his toys if he just wants to chew on them.

    One of my females was 'bouncing off the walls' the same night she'd been spayed, I had to put her on strict cage confinement for the first 5 days, she came out to eat and to go for short walks and if I was there I kept her 'attached' to me. It might seem horrible but if confinement is the only thing that works (I prefer that over drugs-sedatives) its only for a few days.

    Watch out for any redness, swelling, discharge....either bloody, pinkish, or clear at the surgery site. Let your vet know if you notice anything like that. Also you need to make sure your dog isnt licking at the area excessively.
  5. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Thanks for all the pointers.
    I opted to go the confinement route. He really likes his crate and goes in there to sleep on his own free will. When I put him in and close the door (he goes in on command :) ) he just lays down and stays quiet.
    I was told by the vet to give him his pain meds definately for the first 4 days, but up to 8 days if he needs it. Today was day 4 and tho he doesn't seem to be in pain I gave it to him as it's for swelling also. His incision looks fine and he hasn't been licking it much at all. If I catch him I just tell him no and he stops. I wish he would just sit down and chew a toy LOL he takes his toys and runs through the house with them, occasionally he'll bring them to us wanting to play fetch...and once you start that game your whole night is planned. I've finally let him and the cat back together...the first thing they did is smell each other, then the cat went to the kennel, and my dog followed and they both slept in there for a good 2 hours.
    I still try to restrict his activities somewhat, but for the most part he's doing really good now. When I had him confined I'd let him out to eat/drink, go outside and I would take him on short walks to stretch. But now he's not confined and back to himself. Thanks for everything.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thanks for the update, glad to hear hes doing well. :)

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