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Puppie will not eat

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mistyblue, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. mistyblue

    mistyblue New Member

    Hello everyone:

    I am new to this site. I need some help please. I have 5 month old Tzu puppie. She came from very bad breeder. When I first got her she was under a pound at the age of 2 months. Well I got her to put on some weight and had to get her nose operated on. She also had infection in her stomach. Well got her all better from that. Now she will not eat. Not dog food not people food nothing. She will drink water that is all. I took her back to the vet and the vet said that she is spoiled and only will eat people food. Well she will not eat any food people or dog. Is there something I can do to get this dog to eat? I have tried everything I can think of. She just will not eat. Please help!!!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    What was wrong with her nose? was it a hernia or something? so she has been checked by the vet recently and he says there are no medical problems? How long is it since shes eaten? without eating and more so if she stops drinking it wont take long for her to become dehydrated, possible low blood sugar.
    Providing it hasnt been too long and she is still active, no vomiting or anything you could try someting like chicken or turkey baby food. I usually heat it up a little, the heat will bring the smell of it out more which might encourage her to eat.
    If you can encourage her to eat that then start mixing it with some puppy food, I prefer dry but at this point the priority is to get her eating again so try canned then gradually work on mixing that with the dry (if you want her on dry). I would take her back to the vet (or a different one) though if shes gone more than 24 hours with no food, less if she starts becoming lethargic or if there is any vomiting, fever etc. Just because a dog is 'spoilt' doesnt mean loss of appetite is not a problem, no food can lead to other problems or be caused by an underlying problem.
    Also you could try hand feeding, or if your leaving the food down all the time try putting it down for 10 minutes, if she doesnt eat it pick it up, leave it for an hour then try again, if she doesnt eat it then leave it a couple of hours.....Other things you could add to her food are cottage cheese, pieces of chicken, chicken broth, if you can get her eating again soon then I would work on getting her on a good regular diet, feed her 2-3 times a day and dont give snacks inbetween at least until she is in a routine with the food.
    Hope that helps a little.
  3. dawnreger

    dawnreger New Member

    Sometimes my 7 month old puppy refuses her food and I add a little ketchup in with it. She seems to really like it that way so maybe you could give that a try. Good Luck!
  4. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Try sprinkling some parmesan cheese on her kibble or adding some hot water to soften it.

    I add raw veggies, eggs, Balkan yogurt, wild salmon, rice to my puppies kibble..he loves it.

    Also, ask your Vet to give you vitamins for the puppy. It's in a tube and it's in a gel form. You should be feeding that to him daily if he is not eating well.

    The vet can also give you a wet dog food that is very tasty and high in fat. It entices puppies to eat, however not good to feed long term as it will cause too much weight gain.
  5. duckling

    duckling New Member

    I'd be really concerned if she hasn't eaten at all, that usually means something is wrong. Did you make it clear to your original vet that she's not eating ANYTHING? Maybe you could pick up a tube of Nutri-Cal (high calorie food supplement, can be used as a meal if the pet isn't eating) in the meantime and get a second opinion from a different vet.
  6. abells

    abells New Member

    my new puppy would not eat at all i tried people food and all different dog food mixes the breader told me to. i was so worried i took him to the vet. there was nothing wrong. turns out i remember my cat will not eat anything but dry food. i put just the dry food in a bowl and pretemded to eat it myself and guess what he likes just dry food. nothing but the dry. try it. and try eating it yourself. not really though it is gross lol good luck
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :D Good tip. Done that a few times....not actually eaten it but letting a dog 'think' you are, works well in some cases.

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