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puppy babyshower

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Rene, May 22, 2004.

  1. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Hello i got an invation to a puppy baby shower a friend of my has been wanting a Yorkie for a couple of years now so her parents didnt buy her b-day or christmas presents last year to save up to buy her one. she is now 20 and lives on her own she gets her baby in 2 weeks they are getting it from somewhere in Alabama. My question is do you think it would be ok to just give her a gift card from petsmart i love that store and i think she should pick out her own baby stuff what do you think????


    oops almost forgot she doesnt know about it it is a suprise :eek:
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Sure why not. This is something she has waited for. I think she would love a puppy shower and a gift card. I would.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Absolutely!!! I think that getting her a gift card from PetsMart is probably your best bet actually! With the gift card she can choose whatever it is she may want or need...sounds like a great idea!

    Have a great time at the puppy baby shower!!! :D
  4. hitomishiri

    hitomishiri New Member

    i think that a gift card would be perfect. that way you don't have to worry if someone else got the same gift (imagine a billion water/food dishes)
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    DITTO!!!!! absolutely!!
    I know for me, I wanted to pick everything out.... I was picky about leashes, collars, etc.... :)
  6. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I wanna go to a puppy baby shower... i think a gift card is a wonderful ideal. tell her to let you take pictures to post ... i have yorkies also. and love to see others.
  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    What a cute idea! I think a gift card would be perfect!
  8. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I think that would be really nice ! nice idea ! go for it ! :eek:
  9. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    That is such a touching story! You must be a great friend to think of a shower and gift!!! I wanted a dog (small) my whole life. We had outside farms dogs when I was really young, but that's as close as it got. My Papa said that animals are for outside and they are dirty, etc. Well when I moved out on my own I really wanted to get a chihuhu! My friend had 2 and they were adorable!!! :D I couldn't afford one and I always looked in the classifieds but the puppies were either too big or too expensive. Then one day at work I was offered a three year old yorkie named Macy. My boss's sons girlfriends dog! Apparently my bosses son and Macy didn't get along and they were getting a big dog?!? I didn't ask questions I just put out my arms and my heart! :D Macy was a little timid at first, and needed her teeth pulled (surgery) :shock: shortly after I got her, but after that she wasn't in pain and she started to play and bark and stuff for the first time since I got her! It's like she was a gift from God or something! I couldn't have picked a better doggie!!! We are inseperable!!! I'm so happy for your friend! Sometimes when we have to wait for something it makes it that much more precious to us! :eek:
  10. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I agree with everyone!!

    A giftcard from Petsmart is a TERRIFIC idea!!! It's fun to pick out your own stuff and I think she'd really enjoy that.

    Hey, maybe someday Petsmart will start a Pet Registry!! That would be cool! :idea:
  11. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    YA! A pet registry is an awesome idea! I'm surprised that pet stores don't already do that!!! :lol:
  12. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    That is such a great idea PooGirl...I never thought about something like that, I bet it would be a big hit!!!!!!!! :eek:
  13. lotsapets

    lotsapets New Member

    I'd love to go to a puppy baby shower! That's a great idea, the gift card. Too bad nobody I know would ever have a puppy shower. They'd think that was weird. :?
  14. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Well tommorrow is the puppy shower and i will not be able to attend :cry: my book keeper is on vacation so i cant leave also (now i have 2 jobs but only till thursday) but i sent the gift card with a friend of mine so she will get it and i know what you guys mean i would rather buy my own new baby stuff. i also gave my friend the dogster website so hopefully she will be able to make a page for her new little Yorkie she will be 12 weeks when my friend gets her and her name will be Lucy and she weighs about 1 lb i cant wait to see her and she is not even mine lol But my friend is so exctied (like Poogirl) but my friend still has two weeks before she gets to see her baby

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