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Puppy prevents Canadian killing spree

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by MonsterBailey, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    This story was on the other board, and i just HAD to bring it over!!

    I've copied the story below, or you can click on the link:
    http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/20 ... 140162.htm

    A Canadian man, driving a car packed with weapons and ammunition, was intent on killing as many people as possible in a Toronto neighbourhood but gave up the plan at the last minute when he encountered a friendly dog, police say.

    The middle-aged man, who police say is mentally disturbed, had planned to carry out the shooting spree on Wednesday to ensure he would be put in jail permanently.

    Police say he had set himself up in an east-end park to load his weapons and then planned to drive around shooting.

    He told police that a dog then approached and started playing with him.

    Police say the encounter melted the man's heart, and he then went in search of police to give himself up.

    "He happens to be a pet lover, and decided that since there was such a nice dog in the area, that people were too nice and he wasn't going to carry out his plan," Detective Nick Ashley said.

    Police have found 6,000 rounds of ammunition, two rifles, a shotgun, a semi-automatic pistol, a revolver and an air rifle in the man's car, along with a machete and a hunting knife.

    The car also contains a throwing knife, a camouflage mask and netting.

    James Paul Stanson, 43, has been charged with a variety of weapons-related offences and appeared in court for a bail hearing on Thursday.

    -- Reuters
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: What a great story!!! :eek:
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Oh my, that's pretty scary!!! Amazing the effect a friendly dog can have on someone!! :D

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