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Question about parvo risks

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Weeble, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    My neighbor has a new 10-week-old puppy. Her vet says it's okay for her puppy to play with my dog, because my dog has had his full series of Parvo vaccinations. My vet told me when my own dog was a pup to keep him away from ALL other dogs, because a healthy dog can still be a parvo carrier. (At the time, I wondered what people do when they introduce a new puppy into a home already habitated by other dog(s)--keep them apart until the puppy is four months old and fully vaccinated?!?) So now I'm confused. Any insights would be appreciated.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I guess it depends on which vet you talk to. Personally, I think the risk is low as long as the adult dog is healthy.
  3. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I have to agree with Nern..... cuz my friend just got a shihtzu puppy and asked her vet about introducing him to other dogs, and he said as long as they are fully vaccinated it was fine.... cuz after all, there are plenty of households where a new puppy comes in with other dogs in the house, right?

    Then again... I guess in my opinion, you can always err to the side of caution and not take the chance if you don't have to, right? :)

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