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Question about peeing.............

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Annie, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Hi all, well I'm still awake and still buzzing, just having a celebratory G&T :0008: Had a lovely 10 minutes with Dusty while the babes were fast asleep, a lovely pampering session for her.

    Just got one worry at the moment Dusty hasn't pee'd or pooped in the last 24 hours, I think maybe not to poo is quite normal but I'm not too happy about her not peeing, I've had a good search on the internet and can't find any advise, does anyone know what is the ususal length of time after delivery for a nursing mum to pee?? I've missed the vet now, the emergency line is staffed by an operator and you can't actually speak to the vet only ask for them to come out to you - not sure we're in an emergency situation as yet, Dusty certainly isn't looking or acting poorly. Ther is a surgery in the morning though so I can speak to a vet then if needs be.

    Thanks to you all, your help, advise and lovely comments are very much appreciated.

  2. vene

    vene New Member

    I think you have to manually put a little pressure on her bladder to help her go. It does not sound normal for her not going. She may be dehydrated as well. Is she drinking normally?

    I just found some info on the net. It said that some queens will not leave their litter up to 24 hrs to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. And just to leave a litter box and food + water next to the nest. Dusty is eating right? She's just not using the litter box. Maybe if you move a litter box near her she might go. Good luck.

  3. scaredkitty

    scaredkitty New Member

    When my old cat had her kittens, she didnt leave them for quite a while, well over a day, and when she did, it was for the least amount of time she could and ONLY if our male cat was looking over them (he thought he was the mommy :roll: ) so I wouldn't worry, just wait a bit and see, if it gets to be too long, call a vet and have it checked out. But it sounds normal, they dont like to leave the kittens at all, so they wont unless they absolutely have to.
  4. Annie

    Annie New Member

    Panic over folks, Dusty has peed and pooped and is doing fine, thank you as always for your help and advice,

  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Great news Annie! :D

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