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Question In Regards to Food.

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DaveM26, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Since I purchased my Brittany as a young pup hes been feed a constant diet of ProPlan Puppy Chicken and Rice, Hes now almost 7 months old, My I just purchased a bag of food today ( same stuff same coloured bag) I get home open up the new bag of food and notice the food pellats are actually larger, I read down further on the bag and notice its "puppy food for large breed dogs" Seeing its already opened I cant take it back, the dog seems to love it and his stools are still allright, This food shouldnt have any effect on him eh? hes currently 43.5 lbs so hes a medium sized dog i was just curious if it would hurt any or not till this bag is done with

    thanks dave

    P.S one last question on Dog Bones, My dog LOVES the White rawhide bones he actually eats ONE full foot size bone a day he also eats his regular food I was wondering if this is too much bone for him to be eating or not?

    thanks again
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I don't think the food will cause him any harm but you can phone your vet if you want to be sure. One full foot rawhide daily seems like a lot to me though.
  3. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Our local petstore will take the food back, regardless if opened or not.... did you try that? If not, I agree... just check with the vet and see if it's a problem.... I suppose you could always buy another bag of your regular stuff and mix it in (that way you don't waste it) until it's slowly gone.

    I also agree about the rawhide.... my vet is against those in general, but she did tell me (back when I used to give them) that 1-2 a week was plenty. They are very hard on their digestive systems and can sometimes reek havoc. We had a problem with my dog (too long to go into) and he ended up with pancreatitis and was in the hospital for three days...
  4. doglover1234

    doglover1234 New Member

    My concern for the food would be one the size of the kibble and two if it is made for large dogs the formula might be a little diffrend. Maybe upset the tummy a little but if your dog is doing fine and has no problem eating the kibble you should be fine. But as the other poster said most pet stores would take it back even if you opened it.

    As for the rawhide I in general stay away from it, too many things that could happen, shipoo listed a few. There are tons of fun chewy alternatives out there.

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