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question on a fish i dont know

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by lil shant, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    you guys have provided me with the best answers so i came to ask another question, well i went to the pet store today to buy a algea eater and it turned out a bottom dweler shark and so i want to know what they eat and what are they aggessive and do they eat algea and how big they grow.
  2. Used

    Used New Member

    What kind of shark? Is it a Red tail black shark, Rainbow shark or Bala shark. Once we know what kind of fish you got than we will be able to help you better.
  3. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    acually its a flying fox because wal mart doesnt noe the fishes name thats y so its the flying fox that i need the info on
  4. sakura.seppun

    sakura.seppun New Member

    I was actually just reading about those.

    They don't eat algea, unless required, they do like vegetables, your aquarium plants for example, and just your staple flake food.

    Also, make sure that you have a cover on your tank at all times, they REALLY like to jump.
  5. Used

    Used New Member

    Also they grow to about 6 inches.

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