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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I just got a new addition yesterday and 7 month old australian shepherd mix named Lana. I hid all toys and bones when she first came home and later on after they all were getting along I gave them each a bully stick....lana seemed a little protective over it, growling when syd my other dog and jamie my friend came close to her when she had it....you think cause she didnt really know either of them, thats why she was growling and snapped a little?(she didnt bite just kind of went to snap but backed away then dropped the bone and tried to give my friend kisses, like she knew it was bad)
    So i took all the bully sticks away just for now...if this behavior continues is there any way to teach her not to be snappish around chews and things...I'm not so woprried about the dogs as I am about people, she hasnt snapped at me but she growled and kind of snapped at my friend(who she never met before)thanks
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have heard this book recommended a lot for this issue:


    I know for food guarding issues, you are supposed to work up to getting closer to the dog while they are eating, going very slowly and at the dog's pace, until you get to the point where you can put your hand in the bowl while they eat. I'm not sure how it works for issues between dogs, though, rather than the dog-human interaction. Some things I have read just say "Feed them separately!" which is what I do. I have learned that very high value chews (like stuffed Kongs) I need to separate the dogs as well. Bully sticks might fall into that category as well - I gave them each a jumbo bully stick once without problems, but after the Kong incident I am more careful.

    Hopefully someone else can help more. I am going to buy that book at some point just so I know more about this issue, just in case.

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Since she's been starved and probably ot taken very good care of, its to be expected. I come across this problem quite often. Nip it in the butt now! Let her know its ok, and thier not going to steal her stuff.

    Horses often have this problem after fighting for their food, or being subject to neglect.
    The best way I found to help with this agression. Get a hanfull of treats. Gather ALL the dogs, and line them up in front of you. Tell them sit, and hand each one. Starting with the furthest dog from the pup. Give them all a treat. And then go backwards, starting with the pup. She'll learn that All get the equal amount.

    She may also be intimidated by the others sizes. If jake or Wylie approach while she's got a treat or playing with one of her toys. Take hers away, and get a "Neutral" toy and play with both of them with it! She'll learn that she has to share.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam, Jake and Wylie are mine :D

    I would also nip it in the bud

    good luck honeybear
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sorry honeybears!! I was thinking about them and I guess I wrote them!! he he he!!!!!

    I was telling Gravel (Over teh phone last night) about Wylie.... I think she's just pretty.
  6. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Cameron is a very even tempered dog- has never bitten or attacked anyone, but she will get possesive of her toys around certain other dogs. She used to growl at us if we tried to take a toy away, and we were able to rid her of that habit, but she still will growl and snap at my brother-in-law's puppy, Luke, if he tries to take away a toy she is chewing on. She has even jumped on top of him before and pinned him down, though she never bit him or anything, I think she was just trying to show him who's boss.

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