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Questions about new puppy - maltepoo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by LucyLu, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    We are picking up our new puppy on the 27th and I am sooooo excited!! :eek:
    (nervous too!)
    The breeder said she has been feeding her Ol' something from Walmart. I want to make sure this is a healthy food for the pup. She has also been feeding her one can of Pedigre (sp) soft puupy food once a week. Should I continue this?
    I am so anxious about getting the puppy...I feel like I am having a baby or something!
    Also, has anyone litter box trained their dog? That is what we plan on doing. She will be about 12 1/2 weeks when we get her, so does this mean it will be too late to teach her to go in the litterbox? Also, she is the only one from her litter left. All of her littermates have been picked up. Does this mean that it will be easier for her to adjust to being with us and away from her littermates and possibly help her not cry at night?
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

  3. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    Thanks for the link. I will be changing her food!
  4. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hi Lucylu,

    I feed Innova and I have been told that it is by far, one of the best foods in the market today. It can be a bit pricey, if you were to be feeding a large daog, but a maltipoo should eat about as much as my shih tzu, which equals $20/month. Not allot to me....

    Please post pics of your baby when she/he comes home!
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Definately change the poor things food. One of , if not the worst. But at least she did get fed. I don't think its impossibble to train your dog to go where you want it too. It just takes alot of effort. wether it be to pee pads, outside or litterbox.
  6. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I litter boxed trained my maltipoo. I use the puppy pads in the box, she still likes to play in the puppy litter, so we haven't changed over yet. My puppy does great with the litter box. You pretty much train them just like any other method. When you see your puppy ready to potty, pick her/him up and put them in the box. Winnie is 5 months old and uses the box all the time. Don't worry they still know how to potty outside, some people will tell you if they use a litter box them they can't potty anywhere but the box.

    Last night was the first time I left my Winnie with my mom. She spent the night and we brought her box, my Mom said she went right to box and went potty.

    Good Luck

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