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questions for puttin510 (my bella looks alot like winnie)

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by unika, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. unika

    unika New Member

    my little bella looks exactly like winnie,same color and everything. Bella is 8weeks today,but her eyes look a little bit smaller than your baby.
    Anyhoo...my question is : was winnie at 8weeks really quiet and not playful? Bella won't play alot ..sometimes and she gets cold really quick...and she seems sad alot!!! Also does your doggie have a sanitary shave in that picture???? I want Bella to look like that all the time... I am not too keen on the shaven look.
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ok, I posted those pictures for Winnies owner. MY pup (puttin510) is the last one on that post, the top three pictures are of Winnie. Its entirely up to you if you want a clean shaven face of a fluffy one. I personally go with the shaved look because it is easier to keep the face clean, helps cut down on tear staining. And I really like that look. The sanitary look is where you shave the bum and vaginal area. Maybe Winnies mom will chime in here. But by the looks of her dog, it may or not be shaved back there. Winnies mom where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    We brought Winnie home at 8 weeks, she was quite. I use to bring her to work with me, she would sleep almost all day. The problem with Winnie was she was sick. She had phenomia (spelling ???) Once she started her meds she was perky within days. We had to try and keep her from playing to much. The picture of Winnie with the pink bow was when she came home from the groomers. They really didn't do much of a cut just a bath and brushing. They said she was too young for a full groom. They did however clip around the eye area to cut down on tear stains and around her butt and paws. plucked her ears and clipped her nails. This was the first time I used the groomer at the vets office, everyone knew her there and I didn't want to scare her. The 2nd grooming didn't go so well. They did cut her shorter than I perfer, when it started growing out she just looked uneven. I like more of a fluffy look and just tonight I made an appointment at the end of the month for grooming with the women who does our keeshound. (she is wonderful) She said she would properly keep Winnie in a puppy cut with feathering around the face. The fluffy look is more work but when Winnie plays hard all day she's just as cute with the bed head look too.

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