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Really need some HELP!!! with this - Shih Tzus

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Valmar, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. Valmar

    Valmar New Member

    As many of you know we had little Bailey with us for two weeks but gave him back to the breeder because out older Shih Tzu, Brittney, didn't seem to be accepting him - I have talked to quite a few people that have said we should have kept him longer - at least a month or maybe more - even the breeder said today that the older dog usually accepts the puppy eventually - she will let us take Bailey back but not short term - I have missed the little guy SO!!! much and I know if we got him back I would never, ever return him again - I am really in a quandry - and need some advice so I can make a heartfelt decision - is there anyone out there that feels Britt would eventually come around - :?: or vice versa - :? I keep wondering if we were too hasty in giving Bailey back.
  2. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    I have a Siberian Husky and a Longhair Chihuahua puppy. My husky, 3 years old, seemed to have no idea what to think of the little dog. Sometimes she thought he was a toy, but most of the time she seemed to think he was a nuisance.
    Now I have had him for 3 months and it has eased. While they aren't friends yet, they tolerate each other, and that's fair enough. She ignores him for the most part and he has learned to control himself most of the time. There's occasional breakouts when he takes off running and she charges off after him [those husky instincts] but she means no harm. Sometimes I have even found her cradling him and licking his fur, but when she sees me watching she stops and pushes him away...sounds like she's in denial of her affection :wink: I just make sure to supervise them anytime and all of the time they are together.

    Because both of your pets are small I am sure things could be safely worked out. Your older dog is simply used to being the only pet around or getting all of the attention, she's not going to be happy that there's a new baby taking it all away from here.
    Just be sure to give them equal attention and let your Britt know she is still loved!
    And always remember, in all circumstances never allow any food of any kind be presented to them when they are together! It could spark a sudden unexpected food aggression reaction in your older dog who might suddenly bite your puppy, no one wants that to happen, but sadly I've seen it too many times.
    If you want to try to start-over and re-introduce them, I followed some tips from this website:
    Good luck!
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    To be perfectly honest, when I saw your post saying you chose to give Bailey back, my first thought was that I wished you had given it a little longer! However, I respected your decision, and felt as though I shouldn't say anything. But since you asked, I'll give you my opinion:

    Yes, I do believe you should have waited it out a little longer to see how things would work out. Introducing a new puppy to a home where there is a dog that has been used to being the only dog for many years is not exactly easy most of the time, and usually does take a good portion of time to adjust. Some people who I have spoken with, who were in your same situation (new pup coming into an only dog home), said it took their older dog and new puppy just a couple of days to get used to it, and others said it took months (sometimes even longer)! In either case, it's important that you follow proper steps to ensure a safe, and an attempted shot at making it easier, transition. Your dog and the new pup may never become best friends, they may just learn to tolerate each other, and that's okay (there are a lot of multiple dog homes out there whose dogs simply tolerate one another and that's it). Now I am not going to lie, but there are dogs who simply CAN'T ever get along with another dog in the home, and must remain an only dog...these dogs are usually other dog aggressive, and will never change despite any and all attempts on your part.

    So, I guess what I am trying to say is that you can't expect results immediately, you may have to give it some significant time! If you truly want this new puppy, and are willing to put forth the effort in introducing your older dog to the new one, then I would opt to get the puppy back and start from step one!

    Just my opinion! Would love to hear what you decide! :D
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It doesn normally take longer than a few weeks for an older dog to finally realize its staying. if you can handle it give it another shot. Who knows your older dog may even be somewhat happy to see the pup. But I have heard people on this forum say the same things. They waited it out and all are fine now.
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    awwww! I am a HUGE believer in FATE.... and you are getting this second chance for a reason........... just my piddily two cents :)

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