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Retraining a lhasapoo to go inside...

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Katzchen, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Katzchen

    Katzchen New Member

    Hi! My husband and I are the proud parents of a female 8 year old shih tzu (Sookie) and a 11 month old lhasapoo girl (Noodle). Both of the girls were doing well on housebreaking until the ice and snow storm came through Ohio, but now, Noodle refuses to go outside. We have tried clearing off patches on the lawn so that she can go, and keeping her outside for as long as possible when we know that she has to go, but 9 times out of ten she will go in the house within 10 minutes of coming back inside.
    We were wondering if it would be possible to retrain her to go inside on either puppy pads or paper. If it is possible, what is the best way to go about the switch?

    Thank you so much!

    Katzchen, Sookie and Noodle
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    It should be possible but it'll just take some work. Here's a quote from a post I made a while back. It's what I did with Rocky to get him to use the pads.

    Good Luck

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