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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by 4Dogsihave, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Just me or are we missing Sams again? BTW Anyone hear from Maisey anymore? I was thinking about her today hope she is doing well.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I wa swonderng the same thing, I pmdher the other day and still no response.

    Maisey popped in a few weeks ago, sure miss her good advice
    SAM are you okay???

  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I was also wondering about sams she is MIA again i haven't seen much of sarges mom either hope they come back soon
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Sams is probably asleep in a box full of puppies at the moment. :)
  5. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I know poor thing! Well we miss her hope she wakes up soon!
  6. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    They maYBE SNOWED UNDER IN RESCUES. Do miss them .
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sorry guys. I'm here. Tuesday about 2:30am I got the phone call that Granny went into ICU and on life support. She went in for her final chemo treatment on MOnday and came through ok. Though a little weak. She had wet herself in the hospital bed, and called the nurses 3 or 4 times to come help her to the bathroom. They didn't come, so she tried to get up and go herself. There were no bed rails up in the ICU room so she reached for the cart to pull herself up, when she did it slipped and she fell face down hitting her head. She had broken her nose in 3 places. Later they found out she had bleeding in her brain. By the time they found it and moved her back to her room the swelling had increased in her brain, the vein exploded and the pressure of it made her right eye pop out. IT took them 45 minutes to transfer her to the neurosurgery where they performed EMS surgery. Despite all their efforts, they couldn't help her.
    So I've been in Liberty with family and preparations, then Friday was the funeral.
    When a time all the family should be together, NOOOO!!! Not this one! It is all out world war three! three fist fights in 2 days....sad...

    Then to top it off, one of Granvels Crack head cousins (and I'm serious about the crack! ) Stole my cell phone, credit cards, check books and all the cash I had. She broke into our truck and stole it!! ALong with my new AVON make up, my brotherinlaws cell phone, and my medicine.

    Soooo I've had a horrible last week, the start of this week is proving to be awful as well,
    I get back to work, and my boss seemed to think it was ok to riffle through ALL my drawrs (including my personal one that was locked!!!) My paper work is all scattered, things wer'ent done correctly, or done at all!
    After I sat in the funeral home bathroom on their phone paying 3 dollars a minute for an hour, explaining how to do EVERYTHING!!!

    Between family, the police, my boss, and now granvel is gone for a week, I'm seriously having a nervous breakdown.

    And I havent even started on the animals yet!!!!

    I'm sorry yall for such a long post....I just can't get over how she died after making it all the way through the Leukimia, then to die of a bump on the head....then my stuff stolen, and work....
    Thanks for caring and letting me vent.
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Sam ((((((hugs)))))) to you, I thought it had to do with Granny, Please think she is in a better place no and in no pain.

    So sorry to hear about the other problems, Just think of your little pups that need you now and to help take your mind off everything else.

  9. aussylover

    aussylover New Member

    In Reply

    :( Oh Sam I'm so sorry you had to go through all that :!: :!: We were concern what happened to you and hopeing you were o.k, soooooorry you had a bad week and now you got little ones that really need you!!! Don't fall apart We will keep you together :y_the_best: hang in there o.k Aussylover
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well, we Found out Daisy mae had distemper so wetook the puppies away. Two died, one was left. The vet has the third one (thats not doing good at all) One of Hanky's pups died (she layed on it and suffoccated it at night). SO we're down to two again....They are fat and healthy.

    Hanky has lost alot of weight....poor baby. So we're taking care of her....
    I spent all day SUnday building fence for the horses and sectioning off place for new fosters....Moved Smokey's kennel away from everyone (scared he'll get distemper or something else)

    It's just been a hellish week.....Two funerals, family problems, no one here for support, bills (that I now can't pay since everything i had was stolen) and animals!!!!

    Ugh....if it wasn't for all of yall, I'd blow up!
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    You poor poor thing. Ugh! I am so sorry to hear about everything, and your theft problem. What a jerk! I hope things start to unravel for you again.
  12. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sam so sorry to hear about everything. Just know we are all here for you whenever you need to vent.
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ihave a feeling I will be doing a lot of venting here in the near future.

    The police still haven't arrested that B***H!!!! I called to let them know my jewelry was missing....they told me "well, why didn't you report that at the begining?"

    Well duh. At the time, I was upset becaus of granny, and I couldn't remember what all was in my purse!! If you did deep enough, you just might find the kitchen sink!!

    All they had to tell me was "Uh, we're still working on paper work."

    OMG!!! ITs been a WHOLE week!!! Had she stolen crack, or something, they would have benn on her like white on rice!

    SO I'm going to threaten to sue Liberty Police Department.
  14. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    All I can tell you is to be persisant. I work at a Sheriffs Office and in my opinion we dont have that problem but hear about it all the time from other jursidictions. Although some times they do fall through the cracks but there is always someone there to remind them :lol: I hope it all works out for you. When it rains it pours.
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WE sat down and tally'd up all the damages done. Over all its over $2700
    plus two irreplaceable rings. One a family heirloom, the other my first diamond ring. Granvel gave it to me.

    IF I could sue her , I would. Problem is, she lives out of motels, boxes, what ever crack house she whores in....
    I'll never get the rings back. or my phone. She probably traded them for drugs.

    We knew she was like this, thats why all my stuff was LOCKED in the truck. But that didn't stop her, she broke into the truck.

    This is how bad she is. When Papa died, we were all at the house. She had just, and I mean within days, been let out of the pen. Well Granvel went to take a shower, she snuck into the bathroom (while he was in the shower!!!) and took about $250 out of his wallett!!!! We caught her coming out the door.

    Then while we were at the funeral, she broke in to Granny's house, and my purse was in the back bedroom under the bed, and stole my money, and my pain meds (I had just severly injured my back).

    She has a son. She gave him up a birth, he's the same way so they inlisted him in the marines to keep him out of trouble. He had an ultimatum. Join the marines, or go to Juvie.
  16. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gee she sure sounds like a real charmer! They ought to just lock her up and throw away the key, as it seems she isnt going to do anything good with her life.

    Anyway sorry about your rings, I would be so upset of anyone took mine. As I only have a few so they mean alot to me.
  17. Hi Sams,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, that's very sad :cry: But like someone else had said, your Grandmother is no longer in any pain. I hope that someday soon that will give you a little comfort. With that said...I WOULD HOLD THAT HOSPITAL ACCOUNTABLE!!!! :x

    "And" I'm so sorry to hear that your drug addict cousin stole your things!
    I can't believe the stuff you have gone through this year! You hang in there girl! And continue to vent as needed.....

    Praying for you, Susan
  18. Rene

    Rene New Member

    OH Sams i'm so sorry gosh i went away for a week and everything fell apart for you. My thoughts are with you dear.
  19. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well they still haven't done anything, So I will be heading to Liberty this weekend. I don't care if I have to search every crack house and pawn shop. I will find them. (I'm a VERY determined person).

    All I have to say is, they better find her before I do.
    They officer and the detective won't return my phone calls. THey haven't even asked me to come in and sign anything or give them a list of everything stolen!!! Ugh!!!!

    Than you all....I guess I'll just have to bug the crap out of them sooo much they will have to do something to get rid of me!

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