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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hey, Sams. We all know you do a ton of rescue and that you have horses. But you keep talking about "your facility". Do you mean where you work, or at home? And if at home, can you tell us more about what you do? Is it a farm? A rescue? What all do you rescue besides dogs?

    Thanks for feeding my curiosity, and of course if you don't want to answer then that's okay, too. :)

  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh no, thats cool!

    I work at Nationwide Housing inRosenberg as the business manager.
    9-5 m-f
    Thankfully they are very understanding and support what I do!
    Or I'd be in trouble!!!!

    I keep the rescues at home. Granvel bought me a nice place with a BIG shop/barn on it, and My kennels are outside with dog houses (igloos) and I have pens inside. OF corse A/c and stuff. its an 80X100 shop with concrete floors, and two BIG sliding doors on it.
    1/4 of the shop is a "living area", but I use it to put the feed, food, tack and stuff in there, also where my fridge and big stand up freezer is. Its carpeted in there, and has windows.
    OUside is the horses pasture, there are 14 pecan trees on it, 5 pear trees and a persimon tree. The horses love the pears!!!! (have to be careful about that!)
    Right now, I'm with Lone Star Equine Rescue, helping with horses and the dogs, well, they just all end up at my place!
    The horses are fosters, and if I find a horse in BIG time need of help, and the owners are "cocky" or I don't trust them, I usually offer a price for them and buy them. Its easier that way. We actually had a shotgun pulled on us one time when the mention of an LSER seizure was going to happen!

    I try to help everything and anything I can. I know many of them can't be helped, but I do try, and offer as much comfort in their last days as I can.

    I've applied for my 501(c)3 and I'm working on a web page, its just time that I don't have to do all of it!

    Pups is the closest organization. They too are lookin into buying a building in Bellville to use as another shelter. Their 501(c)3 is pending also. I've been thinking over the last few days about partnering up with them. Barbara helps me sooo much, she brought it up and I don't think its a bad idea! I'll let everyone know what happens.

    I hope one day (to win the lotto) and expand my place. Its 5 acres at my place, and my fatherinlaws is right next door, (well, across the road, and down one pasture) and its 65 acres (I use it alot!). My mother is very involved in all this too. She helps mainly with the horses, but she also has Abby the rat terrier/ beagle mix rescue, and Freckles, the APBT/Heeler rescue.

    I would love to post photos. I just flatout don't have the time! I use the computer here at work. There is no scanner.... When I get home, I'm busting my butt until at least 10 pm every night, and the last thing I want to do is get on the computer! (sorry) I look forward to my shower, dinner, and bed! he he he....

    Any other questions?
    I wish everyone was close! I love it when people come over.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Also. Most of my pens and stuff are either built by granvel, he's a welder...he he he, and VERY creative at that!

    He helps me out more than anyone. He hates to admit it, but he's into it just as much as I am! He even agreed to take this one litter, and brought it home! I was astonished!
    SOooo we get to go pick up a litter of puppies in the morning!

    There are 8 of them. Suposively pyraneese and golden mix. I"l post photos! I'm taking them to my mom's, She's going to help me trim them (apparently their matted and full of fleas!) and bathe them. She's got a digital, and comp. SO I'll post the photos there!
  4. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    Thanks for asking Jamiya, great discussion topic As for you, Samsintention,....you rock....I admire you a lot!!! :y_the_best: :y_the_best: If I win the lottery I will think of you!
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Awww thanks! If I win the lotto, I doubt I'll think much of myself! But the benifits of all the animals I can help then!!! Wahooooo.
    Texas Lotto is up to 100 mill and Mega Million is at 87 Million! I could do with either!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    They have digital cameras pretty cheap now, if you don't want anything fancy. If you want to mail me a stack of photos that you need scanned for your web page, I would be happy to scan them for you. I can also help with the web page if you want. Just let me know!

    How involved is it to build an outbuilding with heat and A/C? Do you know?

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We bought a digital. The thing was broke within 2 weeks. Soooo I'm saving some cash to buy another one...I'll definatly be mailing photos!!!

    When we bought the property the building was there. We just finished the "living area" and added window units. In all to build one like we have it breaks down to about this:

    Foundation: $10,000.00 (dirt work and concrete)
    Steel: $20,000.00
    A/C:$100.00 (2X)
    Kennels: $250.00 (2X)
    Hydrolic A-Frame: $900.00
    SO in all its about: $32-33,000.00

    But we got really lucky! We bought the 2 acres and shop for $20,000
    We got such a good deal because its one of those divorce things.....he sold it before the paper work was filed, so she couldn't have it. WE got it sooo cheap because they've been friends of the family for sooooo long. Plus we had to do a lot of work to it. soooo

    I know you can buy the kits for around 25,000 they are usualy as standard 25X60
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Gah!! :|

    I wish we could move somewhere with a little land and an outbuilding or two. I would love a horse arena to do agility in. I have actually looked into it, but the kids would have to go to a different school.

  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    YEah. We've got over a 75 acres home, and my mothers got 80 and my grand parent's have about 50 and my other grand parent's have over 180....Soooo I never have to worry about "where are we going to put so and so?"

    Sassy and S.A. usually end up getting moved around the most. They don't care, more room for grass!!!!
    Those two are sooo fat and spoiled its rediculous. So when there's a horse in need, I can move them to other pastures, and clean the area, and move in the one who needs help.

    Jamiya. The best thing to do is go to an arena. Horses get very used to one place, so when you go to an event, they freek out! WE train at home, and use a Public arena. We always got to diffrent locations. Great socilization for the horses, and when competition comes around. They are at ease, not edgy or fidgity.

    But an area for adjility for Nala would be cool!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I meant a horse arena for DOG agility! :) Although if I keep taking riding lessons long enough, you know we will end up with a horse. We'd have to board it at the trainer's place, though, unless we move. City ordinances frown on horses in your backyard. :shock:

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    :mrgreen: he he he... yeah, I can see why!!!!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Maybe we could get a pony or a miniature horse, so we wouldn't have to mow anymore....

  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Good idea Jamiya! Between the crop circles made by Harley and a pony eating what's left, I wouldn't need to do ANY yard work. hehe
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    get a goat, they'll finish off everything else the dogs, horse and kids don't get too!!!

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