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Separation Question

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by loves-da-pits, May 1, 2004.

  1. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I'm having a problem with keeping my dogs separated. I listen to everyones advise about keeping my dogs together unsupervised. We just went to a lot of expense to put a divider in our yard to separate them when we're not home. They are beside themselves trying to be with each other. They grew up together as pups and are joined at the hips, practically. When one goes to the vet, the other barks and cries till they're back together. They share everything, never any agression or jealousy. They literally sleep on top of one another. It's really traumatic for them to be separated and it makes me feel bad for them. Not to mention, I'm afraid they might hurt themselves trying to claw their way to each other. My question is, do any of you think there could be an exception? Do any of you keep your dogs together without incident? This is just making me crazy! Everything I've read and heard says you shouldn't. But then I look at them and how they are with each other and think nothing could possibly happen. I've never seen two dogs who totally loves each other as much as these two. Help me figure out the right thing to do. [​IMG]
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Aww, they are so cute together!

    I am not an expert and I don't know everything but in my opinion, you should know your own dogs. If they are as close as you are saying, I guess (if I were in your situation) I would let them be together.
    Are they male? or male and female? or two females?
    If they never ever had any aggression toward each other then maybe I would consider leaving them be together but it is a decision that you have to make and accept the concequences IF something does happen.

    I only have one dog so I have never been put in your situation but my brother has 4 females (Pit Bulls and a 'weenie' dog, female) that are together every day. (The 'weenie' dog is not his but she comes over everyday) All inside. BUT he never leaves them together when he is away or sleeping. They each have their own kennel.

    So, In my opinion, I would say it is your own decision. But just be willing to accept the concequences if anything at all happens, either way you decide.

    Goodluck with your decision!
  3. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Aww, they are so cute together!

    I am not an expert and I don't know everything but in my opinion, you should know your own dogs. If they are as close as you are saying, I guess (if I were in your situation) I would let them be together.
    Are they male? or male and female? or two females?
    If they never ever had any aggression toward each other then maybe I would consider leaving them be together but it is a decision that you have to make and accept the concequences IF something does happen.

    I only have one dog so I have never been put in your situation but my brother has 4 females (Pit Bulls and a 'weenie' dog, female) that are together every day. (The 'weenie' dog is not his but she comes over everyday) All inside. BUT he never leaves them together when he is away or sleeping. They each have their own kennel.

    So, In my opinion, I would say it is your own decision. But just be willing to accept the concequences if anything at all happens, either way you decide.

    Goodluck with your decision!
  4. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Aww, they are so cute together!

    I am not an expert and I don't know everything but in my opinion, you should know your own dogs. If they are as close as you are saying, I guess (if I were in your situation) I would let them be together.
    Are they male? or male and female? or two females?
    If they never ever had any aggression toward each other then maybe I would consider leaving them be together but it is a decision that you have to make and accept the concequences IF something does happen.

    I only have one dog so I have never been put in your situation but my brother has 4 females (Pit Bulls and a 'weenie' dog, female) that are together every day. (The 'weenie' dog is not his but she comes over everyday) All inside. BUT he never leaves them together when he is away or sleeping. They each have their own kennel.

    So, In my opinion, I would say it is your own decision. But just be willing to accept the concequences if anything at all happens, either way you decide.

    Goodluck with your decision!
  5. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Sorry everybody, I don't know why it posted my message 3 times!
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    love da pits. I dont know anything about pits, I know of people who keep their pits together with no problem, but know from what people have said here it can be a problem.
    hope you get some good advice and good luck

    love the sunglasses :D

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