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Seperate cages enough company?

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a good christmas!
    SO I have decided that very soon I am going to get a friend for my single white budgie.. I know about keeping them seperate for a month or so.. But since I am going to buy another cage anyways I figured Id buy a good one so it could be used later.. but my question was if you have 2 cages pretty well side by side, is this enough interaction between the two? Or is some of the interaction involve them pruning eachother?? Once I start letting them out of their cages they will have that time to spend with eachother...
    any thoughts?
    Thanks and happy new year
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi hope you had a great christmas.
    Once you are sure that the new bird is ok you can then place the cages side by side this gets them used to each other.

    You will notice them start to bond once they are allowed out of the cage together.
    If you plan on putting them both in the same cage at a later time you will need a third cage this is so you can put them in the cage neither bird has occupied so neither will be protective of the cage.

    For the first couple of days there will be the odd fight a snipe at each other this is normal aslong as there is no blood then its best to let them sort out there differences.

  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I've never found a problem with keeping them in seperate cages. They can still talk to each other through the bars.Actually Kiwi and Buster got along better when they were in seperate cages.

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