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Shih Poo - 6 months old - Price to spay

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sunshinne83, Nov 30, 2005.

  1. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Hi Guys,

    I have been seeing one vet who I thought was quite cheap but when they gave me the price to spay my puppy it was way more than I expected. She said it will cost $350.00 CND to spay her. Is this right? It seems really expensive. She will not even be saying overnight.

    Should I consult another vet?
  2. Weeble

    Weeble New Member

    It's hard to say, prices vary from place to place. $350 here (California) would seem very reasonable. I'd be more concerned about being comfortable with the doctor, facility, etc. At least it's something that only has to be done once!
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    The location your at could make a big difference but if your in US, UK or Germany I can tell your that if this is a straight forward spay then $350 is way over the top. Most hospitals I know do low cost spay and neuter programmes.....I used to work at an emergency clinic in CA and $350 would get an OVHT on an 8 year old dog with a pyometra and keep it in the hospital for the night on IV fluids and antibiotics.

    Heres a couple of CA (San Gabriel Valley ) hospitals, some of them have prices and I can personally vouch for 3 of them as being good reputable hospitals, especially Arcadia Small Animal Hospital.

  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    What is "CND"...? is that Canadian Dollars? (which I thought was CAD) If so, then I think that converts to about $300 in USDollars, right?

    If so, $300 also seems a little pricey... I've only had my dog (male) neutered and it was about $90 (I actually paid around $150 - cuz we had "extra" stuff that I had done such as microchipping and pre-surgery bloodwork). I know that spaying is more invasive and thus more expensive. My friend went to the same vet and paid about $200.
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats why I asked about the location, Ive heard a few people quote simialr prices in Canada.
  6. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Sorry I should hav said I was in Canada. Canadian currency can be put different ways (i.e. CD, CND, CAN - Depends who you are talking to).

    friend of mine got a lab spayed at the age of 4 for $200.00.

    I am going to get her spayed no matter what, I love my dog to pieces but My thought is if I can save half the price I will do it. But then I dont know if its a bad idea to take her to a different vet or not. I live in an apartment building and everyone there pretty much goes to the same vet (a different one from us) and someone who has a colie paid $120.00 to spay their doggie). I was thinking of going there because I have heard they are really good.

    Do you think its a good idea to take your dog to a new vet to do something this major. Its a huge price difference but what would be better for my dog. The vet I go to has only seen her for her needles and when we first got her she was sick.
  7. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I think it's definitely up to you... :) Personally, I would stick with the same vet who knows the history... but sometimes the price difference is a pretty big difference and you have to do what is right. I would suggest you call your vet and find out what all that price entails. Maybe they are including some 'extra' stuff (for extra precaution) that the other vets don't. Also, it wouldn't hurt to ask if they accept payment plans (since they seem to be much more than others).

    The other thing I would suggest is to find out who else has taken their pets to the other cheaper/vets for spay/neutering.... and if you get good feedback, then why not...? But get some recommendations first.
  8. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    I know quite a few people who go to the cheaper vet personally and they all loved them.

    My vet does not accept payments plans and according to them that is just the price to spay with nothing else. If i want my puppy microchipped it will cost me another $100.

    Thanks for you help!

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