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shih poo ear wax problems

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by RoAnne, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. RoAnne

    RoAnne New Member

    My dog gets tons of ear wax. She was groomed 3 weeks ago and this past weekend I noticed her ears were smelling really bad so I cleaned them out and got tons of wax out of them. Now just 3 days later they are starting to smell again. I cleaned them and got a little bit of wax. I've had other dogs (Husky, golden retriever) and they never had wax problems. Is this something shih poos tend to have or is there something wrong? Thanks!
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    If they smell that bad you should probably take her to the vet, she might have an ear infection. It could just be from having her ears plucked (if she had them plucked) at the groomers, or getting water inside.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

  4. RoAnne

    RoAnne New Member

    Maybe I should try that stuff. She does chew on her feet a lot, although I have never really seen her scratching at her ears. Has anyone else used Thornit? How much is it in US $? Thanks

  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know there are a few people that have tried it and like it here. In american dollars it as approx $16. The wonderful thing is one little bottel lasts a few years. So its just pennys a month. Instead of paying for a vet visit and getting antibiotics. This is not a cure for a dog that already haas an infection though. If your dog has an infection it needs to be seen by the vet and go thru the regular route of meds. But after the infection is over. put this in the ear as prescribed and your dog will more than likely be like all the others that use it. Wax free, mite free, infection free. Sorry if I sound like an advert. I just really believe in this stuff.
  6. Barbrae

    Barbrae New Member

    Hi there. What does the itchy feet have to do with the ear mites? My dog doesn't have ear problems but he chew at his nails, not his feet, or pads, but the nails. He does it until they bleed. He is a Tibetan Terrier - oh and just happens to be the best dog in the whole world :lol:

    Can that product be used on the feet??
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    It does say you can lightly dust the feet. Sometimes a dog can transfre mites to the feet by scratching the ears with the foot. Your problem could also be allergies. What food do you feed your tibby. Have you talked to your vet about its feet. Sometimes an infection can set in also.
    If I were to use the powder on the feet, being he licks or bite them I would put an e-collar on. It should not be ingested.

    I took one of those funny what kind of dog are you tests the other day, and I was a tibetan terrier.

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