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Shih Poo Eye Disease?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kimieloub, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. kimieloub

    kimieloub New Member

    Are there any shih poo owners who have dealt with any eye diseases associated with this breed? Any information would be helpful. Thanks so much!
  2. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Eye diseases associated with the shih tsu X poodle Mix would likely be the same as eye diseases found in shih tsu and poodle breeds. Talk to the person who bred your dog and ask if the parents were CERF http://www.vmdb.org/cerf.html and ask if their eyes were normal. If you view the link to the Canine Eye Registration Foundation they have a page (Diagnostic Spotlight) on eye problems that you can read up on. Maybe seek a second opinion or find an ophthalmologist.

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