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Shipoo and Biting - Normal?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sunshinne83, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Hey Guys,

    Sorry for all the questions, I am new to the puppy world. I have 3 month old shipoo. Is it normal that whenever we want to pet her she is always trying to bit up. Not in a mean way but she always wants to chew on our hands or toes. We have tried yelling ouch and pulling away but then she just thinks we are playing. I have also tried dropping a pop can full of pennies to scare her when she does this (got this idea from another threat) but once again she just thinks we are playing. I love her to death but I dont want her to get into any bad habits.
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    My Yorkie had that problem too. What I did was when he would go for my hand I would grab his muzzle, give it a little squeeze (gently) and say NO in a low voice (to make it sound like a growl).

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