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Shipoo Colouring - How much does it change?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Sunshinne83, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member


    I just bought a Shipoo who is the most adorable dog I have every owned. She has the most beautiful colouring but I am worried that her colouring will change when she gets older. Right now she has three white paws, a black face and a honey-brown colour body.

    Also, is it worth training her? She is such a small dog! She likes to nip at people's feet. It doesn't hurt now but I would like to break the habit now before she is strong enough to hurt someone.
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Her color may possibly change. The brown could become lighter, and the black on her face may fade a little. But that's not to say it most definatly will.

    I would have to say yes it is definately worth training her. Even if you get nothing out of it you'll atleast get her socialized with other dogs. Eventhough she's small that doesn't mean she can't be a danger, especially to herself.
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Oh sorry, I also forgot... Congrats! :eek:
  4. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member


    She is just the sweetest thing.

    We are putting her in a cage at night because she is not house trained yet. She whines and whines. No matter what we do. We try to ignore her but that doesn't work. I feel so bad most of the time I give in and she sleeps in the bed with us. I am worried that me giving in is the worse thing we can do but at 3:00 in the morning you aren't thinking that way! lol.

    I just hope she gets house trained soon. I know she needs time for her bladder to grow. I have heard so many things on how to house train them, but everyone says theirs works best. Its so hard to pick one and stick to it.
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    No matter how you decide to house train her, consitancy is the key. Don't try one way one week and something else the next. That will just confuse her and make the process longer and more stressfull for everyone.

    Other types of training are also definately worth while. If you plan on having her professionally groomed, start teaching her to stand still when you comb her. Teach her to have her feet handled so nail trimming and trimming the hair on her feet will be quick and easy, not a battle royal. And don't wait until she's six months old or older before you take her for her first grooming. Somewhere between 12 and 14 weeks is ideal for a bath, brush out, and nail trim.

    Depending on her hair, you may notice a color change if/when you get her clipped. If she has sable markings, the tips of the hair are dark, while the base of the hair is lighter. So clipping the hair will reveal the lighter color. It's nothing to worry about. The color will grow back with new coat. You'll get to experience a dog of a different color, LOL.

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