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shipoo personality

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by jeeep, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. jeeep

    jeeep New Member

    HiHI! Im new to this forum. I have a 10 week old male shipoo that I had gotten for my mother , the plan is that I will train him and then give him to her. But to the subject. Today I took him to work with me( i am a visiting nurse) He seemed to love all the different people and they certainly enjoyed him. He was very loveable and friendly to all he met. The problem arose when we got home. We also have a 94 lb Lab and a 98 lb Golden Retreiver along with 2 cats. The puppy got very snappy with the dogs and the family . He was growling and biting at us. I placed him in his crate . Could he have gotten too much stimulation today or is this a major personality change? HELPPPPP!!! :?
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: WELCOME to AusPet jeeep...glad you stopped by!!! :eek:

    Before I reply, I have one question for you. Had your shih-poo met the other dogs and cats before, or was this his first encounter with those dogs and cats?

    I'd love to put in my two cents, but knowing the answer to my question to you will help me better answer your question (if that makes any sense at all...lol :wink: )!

    Thanks! :D
  3. jeeep

    jeeep New Member

    reply to My Baby ShiPoo

    Tobey has been with us since july 2nd. He has been great friends with my Lab. (the retriever pretends that he isnt here)Thanks for responding. :)
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    He may have just been too stimulated today and a little grouchy. I took our new puppy out the other day to meet my family, by the time we got home she was very cranky and snapping at everyone.
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I definitely agree with 3dogs!!! :y_the_best:

    If that had been your shih-poos first encounter with other dogs, and he was just sort of "thrown" into the the situation, then I could almost definitely pinpoint the problem as to what triggered the behavior.

    However, since he had met the dogs before, and there wasn't a problem, it would be my guess that he was just a bit cranky from not getting enough sleep during the day since he was kept so active. Dogs are very similar to humans in the fact that if they don't get enough sleep, they too can be a bit edgy. Puppies, especially, need A LOT of sleep when young, so be sure you give him plenty of opportunities to catch up on his sleep, and take several naps throughout the day!

    If the same problem arises in the future, you simply need to remove him from the situation. Put him in another room with his crate (if you are using one), some blankets or dog bed, a toy, and a chew of his, and let him just relax. There's no need to get upset or scold him when putting him in another room, for he shouldn't be punished. (If he bit you, or someone else, then, of course, you need to take the proper steps in disciplining him and correcting that particular behavior.)

    All in all, I think he was just worn out from all the day's activities, and just couldn't handle all the stimulation during the incident!

    Hope that helps explain things! :D
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I just wanted to say hello to Jeeep and WELCOME TO THE BOARD!

    I also have a male shihpoo (so does mybabyshihpoo).... you're going to loooooooove him!! (I bet you don't give him to your mom...hehe)

    You DEFINITELY need to post a picture of your Tobey!

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