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Shipoo ....Too old to crate ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by pippi'smom, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. pippi'smom

    pippi'smom New Member

    My male 1 year old Shipoo Pippi uses my floor as his personal giant bathroom....and he seems to think my couch is his chew toy. :x He does not do any of these things in front of me.....I'm thinking of using a crate....am I too late? :oops:

    Pippi's Mom
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I think it may be more difficult to get an adult dog used to a crate than it would be for a puppy but I don't think its impossible.
    The crate should be large enough for him to stand up and turn around in but not so big that he will be comfortable urinating/deficating in it.
    One way to get him used to going in the crate is to start feeding him near the crate and slowing moving his food inside the crate. When he is comfortable eating in the crate you can start closing the door for a couple seconds and then mintues at a time. Try to reinforce him frequently while he is in the crate, give him a few special treats, praise and maybe a special toy for when you close him in. You can go about this more quickly or slowly depending on how accepting he is of the crate.
  3. pippi'smom

    pippi'smom New Member

    crating my 1 year old shipoo

    Thank you for your reply. I tried out the crate yesterday and to my astonishment.......he didn't bark, whine or anything! He walks right in with a little nudge from me (I put in his treat first) and last night he stayed in it from midnight until 6:00 (he whimpered to be let out to use the bathroom)

    I wish I had used this technique sooner......I had the first morning w/o any clean ups for me.

    ~Pippi's Mom
  4. evansfmly5

    evansfmly5 New Member

    I have 2 year old Shih Tzu's and recently purchased a crate... I wish I would have done it earlier cuz WOW... they really like it in there. Especially with the house work we are having done, my male is usually so territorial and barks at men... mostly cuz HE is the man of the house... either that or he is scared. Anyways, it was not difficult at all. Good luck to you!
  5. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    I was a whimp of a mom and didn't crate my shihpoo.... luckily, he was potty trained fairly soon... but we are getting another shihpoo in december and I will definitely be crate training her. I'm already worried what I'm going to do with one, when the other is in the crate..... any suggestions, Nern? I have visions of the adult walking by the crate and telling his little sister "neener neener"!! LOL

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