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Sick Betta, Please Help

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by princessjen, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. princessjen

    princessjen New Member

    I got my first Betta fish, Sammie, a few months ago in June. He has always been very active busy fish. But the last few weeks he hardly ever moves. He just lays in his plants near the top of the water. When ever I walk into the room he does'nt even come to see me like he used to. When he does sometimes swim, he seems to let his back end just fall under him. Any ideas what could be wrong with him?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    How big is his tank?
    Does it have a filter?
    What are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte?
    How often and how large are your water changes?
    What are you feeding him and how much?
    Does he look bloated or anything like that?
    Are his fins frayed?

  3. princessjen

    princessjen New Member

    How big is his tank? 1 gallon

    Does it have a filter? no

    What are your readings for ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte? dunno

    How often and how large are your water changes? I do a 100% water change every week.

    What are you feeding him and how much? I have pellets, flakes, and bloodworms. He hardly ever eats.

    Does he look bloated or anything like that? The first day he was acting funny, I noticed he was very bloated under his gills, but that only lasted a few hours.

    Are his fins frayed? nope
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I suggest getting an ammonia tester (since there's no filter, you don't need nitrIte or nitrAte).

    A 1 gallon with a betta really should be getting 100% water changes every 3 days so you sould probably start increasing the water changes. He may be suffering from ammonia poisoning. Does he act any better after a water change?

  5. princessjen

    princessjen New Member

    I do sometimes change the water twice a week. He does'nt act any better after a water change.

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