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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by 4Dogsihave, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I was at the pet store today looking for something for the new puppy. Well this one rarely has puppies but when they do they dont look healthy. Today they had two cocker spaniels that looked in poor health, their ears looked horrible and cockers are prone to ear problems. They could barely walk and had droopy eyes. Anyway here is this family holding and cuddling one and I think they were going to buy it, I wanted to walk up to them and tell them to put that puppy down! I feel bad for the family buying the dog and the dog for coming from such a poor breeder. I was pretending to be intrested and asked the name of the breeder, the store owner didnt know, said some woman just brought them in with their papers. I asked if she had at least any pics of the parents she didnt. Didnt know what kinds of shots they had, wether a vet had ever looked at them. I being the kind nature person I am just walked out but am kicking myself cause I really wish I had said something. What worse is before I starting paying attention to the puppies I was talking with one of the clerks, they are moving to a much larger location where they can sell more puppies! The clerk is considering breeding her dogs now since they will have somewhere to sell them. I think that is it for that pet store for me now! Well that is enough rambling I just needed to vent for a minute.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    It's kind of like a "double edge sword." You feel for the unknowing people wanting to buy a puppy mill puppy, and feeling sorry for the puppy who didn't ask to be born under these circumstances. If nobody buys these puppies, what will happen to them? I can only imagine.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    How sad 3Dogs. :(
  4. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Wouldn't it be nice if everyone like that could stop treating pets like a commodity to be bought and sold, and start realizing that they are living creatures? It makes me ill, things like that..... money is all that matters to so many.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    That is just crazy! Poor dogs and poor people! If the puppies gets bought then, he will be happy for a while until the people realize he (probably) has health problems, then they will want a new dog because that one sucks, hopefully that won't happen though. I feel so sorry for dogs born into that condition.
  6. MaryNH

    MaryNH New Member

    and for every puppy bought from a pet store leaves a slot open for a puppy millers :x to bring in another.

    I feel so badly for these puppies and I can fully understand how they can pull at a person's heart - but I really really wish people would stop buying them. I refuse to go into pet stores that sell puppies and kittens cause I can fully understand how hard it is to walk away from these poor poor little creatures but until people stop buying them the puppy mill industry will keep on producing
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    And walking thru the shelters. Which I did looking for a min- pinish looking dog. My neighbors want to adopt a min pin. They had two and the female died nearly a year ago. I saw one at a rescue that would be perfect for her. She has owned her home for 41 years. The only thing that could make them not get it is their yard is not up to par. But they are great dog owners. I would never steer someone to a dog if I did not think they were good with dogs.
    I just could not believe all the beautiful german shepards in there. They are a reminder of my childhood. It was so sad. One really thick furred GSP had his front lower teeth all worn down. God I hate having to leave there empty handed..
  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    VEry Sad :( :cry: :(

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