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Small dogs and young children

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by shihpoo1221, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. shihpoo1221

    shihpoo1221 New Member

    I just wanted to vent out a little....

    Before I got my two shih poo (1 yr and 5 month old), I was always turned down to get a small dog because I have a 1 year old. I always thought this was very unfair. Finally I found this lady on a site and she was giving away Gizmo and Caillou (my shih poos) and the first thing I told her is that I have a 1 year old, is that going to be okay. She said yes and everything has been great since then. I was so afraid she was going to say no kids! My dogs are very gentle with my son and vice versa.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    To give ya some insight from the other side. I'm a breeder, and one thing we are cautious about is the puppies and babies health. IF they're young, they do not know right from wrong and how to handle a dog, so on so forth. A kid can easily hurt a puppy, or the puppy hurt the kid. Maybe not intentionally but if say the kid pulled on the puppies ear too hard or hit it, and the puppy was hurt or scared, it could turn around and snap at the baby.

    I personally will not sell to someone that has infants. I like them at least 5 and up. At least at that age, they can understand not to hit, how to behave around them and can participate in the training of the dog.

    UNless the people are avid dog people and very knowlegable, I'm not comfortable with doin that.

    Same goes for adult dogs as well. You can never be too certain how a kid is going to react to a puppy or dog, and how a dog is going to react to the kid. Its for safety's sake on both ends.

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