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some more advice please!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by momoftwocuteparakeets, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. I have two parakeets. I now know that they both are males. They get along just fine. The only thing is that the one that we have had the longer his name is Snowflake. And he likes to push the other one around. But it dosen't hurt Smurf.Smurf actually pushes back.Is this usual or is he just playing around. Like i said before they get along fine i'm just wondering if this behavoir is usual with two males. And if i should keep them in the same cage or move them.

    Another question. Since we got smurf.,Snowflake hasn't been coming out of the cage as much as he use to. Can anybody give me any advice at all. :cry:
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Birds kept together will develope a pecking order and it's normal for them to sort out their differences. As long as neither of them are getting hurt and there isn't any bloodshed they should be just fine. But how big is the cage you are keeping them in? If it's too small that might be part of it as they need their personal space, just like us. I hope this helped!
  3. thank you for the help

    Thank you for the advice. I was just worried. They haven't hurt eachother i guess that is a good sign. The cage that we have is the one that they give you as a starter kit. We are looking to get a bigger one. We just don't know what kind to get yet. Or what kind is good for two parakeets. I'm gussing that a bigger one is good.LOL

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