1. Daphnia - Live Aquarium Foods

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    Live Daphnia are great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry. Order online to start a never-ending supply of Live Daphnia! [ Click to order ]
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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Microworms are a great live feed for your Fish or Shrimp Fry, easy to culture and considerably improve your fry mortality rate. Start your never-ending supply of Microworms today! [ Click to order ]
  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

    Grow your baby fish like a PRO
    Live Australian Blackworms, Live Vinegar Eels. Visit us now to order online. Express Delivery. [ Click to order ]
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  4. Live Spirulina

    Growing spirulina at home provides several benefits over purchasing processed supplements. Home cultivation ensures the freshest product, preserving its full nutritional potency. [ Click to order ]
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soon to be oscar owner

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Mudpuppy, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. Mudpuppy

    Mudpuppy New Member

    I am looking to buy an oscar for my 55 gallon tank and i need all information possible about them. i bought one once and it died like in 3 hours and i checked my water and it was fine ... idk what happened... are they freshwater or brackish??? idk .... but all information on oscars is most appreciated cuz i dont want my next one to die so quick :(
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    they are freshwter and its best not to feed them feeder-fish b/c of the dieases...i dont know much about them, but t_chelle knows ALOT about them so she will post here.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Well, it's late & I'm really tired so rather than typing a whole bunch, here's a really good link with lots of info for new oscar owners. It was compiled by several people (myself included) that have lots of experience keeping oscars.


  4. flyguy

    flyguy New Member

    you can feed them feeders but the other guy is right be very careful where you buy them. make sure it is a nice clean store though, but if you do feed live and the feeders are healthy the oscars will grow BIG healthy and grow FAST. you will have some really cool nice really hungry fish. good luck.

    P.S. @ petsmart we usually have really healthy feeders and we medicate whenever we get new fish.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If you're going to get feeders from a store, you need to qurantine them for several weeks before feeding them to fish. Just because they look healthy it doesn't mean they are. About a year ago, my parents bought a batch of perfectly healthy looking feeders for my oscars (even though I told them not to). The next day there where little worms burrowing into my oscars' heads. Quarantine, raise your own, or don't give feeders at all. And NEVER make feeders a staple part of the diet. Goldfish feeders can cause a vitamin deficiency and other fish in general don't have much nutritional value for oscars. You'd actually be better off buying things like crickets, earthworms, & shrimp.

  6. Pacuguy

    Pacuguy New Member

    you will love being a oscar owner, they are VERY smart fish, and when they get bigger they are also a very pretty fish. i enjoy just watching mine.

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