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Still Need Advice!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Valmar, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. Valmar

    Valmar New Member

    We have had our ShihTzu puppy for a week and a half and still our 5 year old Shih Tzu(Brittney) is scared( I think) of it - Of course Bailey runs at her - like any puppy, very playful, and I don't know for sure if she is frightened or just what is going on - when we have Bailey penned up she will come around (thats more than she did a week ago) - but if he isn't penned she hides or cowers somewhere - anyone have any ideas - are we expecting too much or should we be thinking about giving up - we are getting so frustrated but maybe it just will take her longer - Help me out!!!
    Thanks :cry:
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I posted an answer on the "all dogs" forum, but I just thought of something else you could do. You could try holding the new pup in your lap and sit there apparently interested in the TV. In the other hand, you just happen to have some treats or a favorite toy of Brittney's. Then you reward her for approaching you and the pup. Start slow - toss a treat to her if she looks at you, then start tossing them if she moves closer, and gradually add to the criteria until she actually has to be close enough to take them out of your hand. All the while, act like there is nothing unusual going on. Don't reinforce her apprehensions by doting on her and cooing to her. Pretend everything is normal!
  3. Valmar

    Valmar New Member


    :D Thanks everyone here at Auspet - any advice I have gotten is gratefully appreciated - :wink:

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