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stocking fidyfie (55) gallon tank

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by ghostcatfishbane, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. ghostcatfishbane

    ghostcatfishbane New Member

    i currently have a 10 gallon and 2 ago i bought a 55 gal and now its cycling... i bought 2 amazon swords,4 cambodia,and 2 reed looking plants... snails on tkhe plants got in the tank so im hopen theyll help cycle it... im puttin in a bactiria starter chem and im wonderin what to put in it... this is my idea...

    3 mollys
    1 khulii loach
    1 black khulii loach
    2 up-side-down catfish
    1 male betta
    1 common pleco
    1 twig catfish
    3 clown loaches
    3 albino corydoras
    2+ ghost shrimp
    3 ghost catfish
    2 silvertip tetras
    2 serpae tetras
    1 zebra dainio
    2 long-finned zebra dainios
    2 green tiger barbs
    1 albino tiger barb
    1+ unwanted snails

    then in the 10 gallon im putten 1 rubbernosed pleco and 3-5 guppies (im transfurrin my current 10 gallon fish into the 55 gallon...)
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You need to be adding ammonia or the tank won't cycle (snails won't produce enough).

    I would forget about the betta if you're getting barbs. They'll eat his fins.

    And you won't be able to fit all those other fish in the tank. Which of those fish do you absolutely want? And which ones are you willing to give up?

  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Just wanted to mention that maby 1 bigger fish and a few clean-up types would be good, perhaps 1 oscar or a jack dempsy, then a small pleco and some ghost shrimp? Best of Luck!

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