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Stop a puppy from peeing

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by sleeper, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    HI all-

    I mostly frequent the aquarium forum to be honest, but I have a question: my roommate recently took home a toy husky-pomeranian mix who's very cute, though frankly a little yippy.

    However, she has an altogether annoying problem of peeing whenever a new person enters the house, and frankly it's actually causing tension between our household (twentysomething single men have very distinct opinions about whether dog urine on a carpet brings the room together, I guess).

    Are there any suggestions about how I/we can train little "Bean" to be just as excited to see us without spraying pee all over the place? Any help would be appreciated.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Heres a couple of websites on housetraining. That aside though it sounds as though if the puppy is peeing as soon as anyone comes in or comes near she is doing it submissively....how old is she? Some pups grow out of it as they get older. Usually what I do is 'play down' coming into the room /house, even ignore her for about 5-10 minutes when you first come in and have visitors do the same, like its just not a big deal. Then when interacting with her do the same, thats not to say dont play with her, she needs to have fun and do all the doggy-stuff but try and get her playtime focused on a toy or something.
    If the pee is in the carpet theres a good product called Natures Miracle that has something in it that will eliminate the smell of the pee and not just temporarily cover it up like a lot of regular disinfectants.

    Heres some websites.



    Good luck.

    What a cute name...Bean... :)
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    My dogs used to/still sometimes submissively pee when ever someone comes over. Especially with men. I totally agree with Delauk about ignoring him for a while. I did that unknowingly by asking folks to at least not speak to them until they got off of the carpet. Also, if those twentysomething men are bending over a little bitty pom mix, it could be pretty scary to Bean. Maybe getting on his level a little more would also help.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'm thinking the pup will grow out of it but you will need to help her... Try to make sure she doesnt' get into a heap of trouble when she does it... THAT could make it worse...make sure that it's a pleasant experience to meet new people and not a scary one... She's either excited or scared...excitement tends to be something they grow out of and with more socialization you can speed up the process.

    Good luck!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My aunt has a dog that will pee on the floor if you pet him when you enter the house. It's hysterical - when someone comes in her house the dog runs up to them and my aunt starts yelling, "Don't pet him!! Don't pet him!!" After he calms down, you can pet him and he's fine.

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