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Sucessful Move Complete! finally!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hey everyone.... I am proud to say that myself my 4 budgies a parrotlet and a 16 gallon freshwater tank has made the move.. whew... no casualties it actually went very smooth!
    My new place is awsome... all the rooms have doors built in so it makes bird training MUCH easier as I can close a door and keep him in the living room...
    I am in the middle of making a HUGE play gym out of a book shelf.. he already likes hanging out on it hehe
    anyways just wanted to say hi since its been a while!!!
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hey Drab! Congrats on the move. My husband and I also just completed our move. We also moved a little zoo with us.
    I only had to move one bird however, and he's so used to going everywhere with me the move didn't phase him. We also moved a pup, a cat, a 10 gallon, and a 5 gallon aquarium...both freshwater.
    We moved from a 3 bedroom, 2 story house w/ full basement (we rented and lived with my brother in law and a couple other people...it was cheap rent!) and we moved into a trailer that we just bought. The house however, sounds kinda big, BUT we lived basically in our room. It was a big bedroom tho. But it's not like we had the whole house to use. So I'm so much happier here and now my animals get to roam the whole trailer. Supervised of course!
    But if I remember correctly, you moved from a basement type apartment/complex to an upper/above ground environment?
    I bet your birds are going to be so happy at the new place. I know all my pets seem happier here.
    Well congrats on the move, and everthing going smoothly! Moving is so stressful! I'm just glad it's over with!
  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    thanks!! yeah your right in my new plafce i have a lot more windows.. and they are much happier!
    it feels so much nicer when you have your own space.. or at least when your happy where you are hehe
    congrads and all the best for the future!

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