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tape worms????

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by amberlue2002, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. amberlue2002

    amberlue2002 New Member

    hey, my pup has tape worms. We gave him a tape worm tablet but now he is throwing up and has bad diaharrea. Are these normal side effects from the medicine or should i be really concerned?
  2. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I know the tablets i have here for that is very strong and will give the dogs diaharrea. hope this helped.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi the reason your pup is throwing up is because when tape worms are present they attach and attack the intesinal wall and if left untreated can cause a very sick animal.

    Sink you have already started treatment and your pup is throwing up then this is a sign that the treatment is working.

    How old is your pup, pups should be 3-4months old before treating for tape worm.

    You will have also noticed your pup is losing weight this is due to the worm eating everything the pup is getting before it has time to hit the stomach this is why tape worms are the worst of the worms well for the exception of heartworm.

    If he loses to much weight or you suspect the treatment is not working take him back to the vets ASAP.
    Did you get the wormers from your vets as over the counter ones in petstores are not usually as good at getting rid of the infestation.

    If you see one appear at your pups mouth never try and pull it out as the head will snap off and the body will go back inside and a new head will regrow.

    diaharrea is normally alwasy associated with worms.
    all puppies are born with worms unless the mother is treated 2weeks before mating and 1week before she whelps.

    Good luck and i hope your little one gets better real soon.

  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Can I just say "EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!"?? :0024: ?

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