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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, May 5, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    OK so my little Pekingese has been dragging her bottom across the floor and she has never done this before. I called my vet and he said it was most likely tapeworms and that regular monthly wormings do not take care of these types of worms so he had me come by and pick up some tapeworm meds this was last week and she's still dragging her bottom?
    My vet said the meds would work in a day or two. So now IM a little concerned I have made her an appointment to see him but it's not until Friday. In the mean time does anyone have any ideas? or experience with this happening with their dog?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Butt-dragging is usually an attempt by the dog to express their anal glands. This is normally done naturally when the dog passes stool, but many dogs - especially small ones - have problems with this. Their owners or vets then have to express the anal glands manually.

    I'm surprised your vet jumped straight to medication without checking the anal glands. Also, isn't there a test that can be done to determine the presence of tapeworms, rather than just guessing and medicating?

    I would call another vet. If it is the anal glands, have a vet show you how to do it before attempting it yourself.

  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Tapeworms can be seen in the poop too. It looks like white rice. That is the dead give away. And the small rice like ones are just the babies. You can also put on some rubber gloves and feel at about 5 and 7 oclock around your pekes anis. Its really no biggy. No-one will see you do it. I do it every few months on my poodle. If it feels bulbous or rounded and firm, it needs to be expressed. Its best to have the vet show you how to do it.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I really hate it when vets push the Medication Button (TM) like it's the answer to everything.

  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I know Jamiya I do to. I usually try to be smart about caring for my animals but in this case with the whole bottom dragging thing I have never had it happen before and she was just in to see the vet for her annual checkup last month and everything was great.
    The vet I go to is actually great I have used him for quite a few years he has been practicing for 20+ years and now he and his son are in practice together. I live in a very rural community and so as you can guess there are not very many vets to choose from unless I drive 45minutes. My vet is actually not the type to charge an arm and a leg for services. And he also does not demand payment up front so many times he has allowed me to set up a payment plan which is great. He is not over staffed so he does not have to charge so much or push unnecessary procedures and medication just to pay his staff. And on top of all that he is a very caring person. As far as the bottom dragging thing goes she didn't do it last night and I did finally see the "Icky" worms in her poo so I am hoping that is all it was...But now IM worried about my other dogs having them. So I guess when Fancy goes in on Friday I will discuss it with my Vet and ask about bringing in stool samples of the other dogs.
  6. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Usually they are just helping the glands when they do that and as all of the above said ,you can see the worms .Tapes you can get rid of with Drontal Plus (get from vet ) ...This kills all type worms .Usually once and then again in 3 weeks and you are set for a long time .Tapes are caused by fleas .
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm glad to hear you like your vet! It really sucks when you don't and you don't have access to a different one - so count yourself lucky!

    I would definitely ask him about the anal glands when you go in. Can't hurt to check, and if that's the problem then you can learn how to take care of it.

  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I didnt know that butt rubbin was a sign of a dog expressing their own glads. Jake does it occasionaly, And I wonder if he picked up something from all the turkey poop he eats. But that is probably all he is doing since like I said every few months or so he does it.

  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  10. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    It is caused by alot of things ,worms ,expressing the glands ,one should always seek the advice of their vet .And one should always have a vet they can talk to and trust .That is as important as having a personal physican that you can trust .It is a given ,go find another if you cannot trust the one you have .I know I would drive to the ends of the earth to make sure I have the right one for my babies .
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Jimiya you got that right :mrgreen:

    "Butt scooting can be caused by other things, too. Here is a page with everything you never wanted to know about anal glands: "

    When I read insert finger :shock:

    wont go there

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