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Teething and Losing a couple teeth

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by brooke1977, May 29, 2004.

  1. brooke1977

    brooke1977 New Member

    My 4 month old Boston Terrier mix is teething and I am going thru more rawhide than Petsmart can keep in stock that I am buying stuff for larger dogs because it will last longer and the frisbee type because it is flat. I also get the Chew-eez by Purina because they are beef or chicken flavored. But I noticed today when she was trying to snap at my hand that she is loosing a couple teeth but I haven't found them lying around the house, but she is outside a lot. She has slowed down on her eating but still is on track with her weight, whole 10 pounds. Since she is in puppy school, since she is a Terrier (terror), she gets a lot of treats, that might have something to do with it since she gets a reward every time she does her homework right. I wonder if all the treats doesn't make her not so hungry. I just leave a bowl of food out I don't feed her 2x or so a day.

    Any suggestions besides canned since my cat is a priss and throws almost a tantrum if she doesn't get canned food every day. I don't want a dog addicted to canned food like my cat is.

  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I really dont have any suggestions as far as food besides trying a new brand, or a few until your dog fine ones he/she likes. As for the teeth, most dogs actually swallow them. I have never found one puppy tooth in my house!
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Maybe you can just add a little warm water to his dry food so that its easier for him to eat for now? My mother did this with her Poodle when he was teething.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    If you're feeding a premium dog food, they usually have in canned also. Just mix a little with her dry food. I'm doing that right noew with my adult dogs. I split one can between them with their kibble. They use to be on half raw, but Grace is allergic to beef.

    Like was mentioned, I think milk teeth are just swallowed. But the perminate one are right there. In all my dogs it seemed like one day, BLAM, they had all their perminate teeth. And I think, "what the heck, where was I when those came in?"
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    It could have to do with the treats. Treats to dogs are like candy bars to us. Very fattening and filling. You may want to start making your own treats. There are TONS of recipes on the net. Also, what I used to train Harley was a boiled chicken breast. I found that she listened better when the treat was something she doesn't get often. I cut up the chicken into pea sized bites. This way you can control how much or little you give him. With pups its not quzntity of treat but quality.

    In using chicken instead of regular dog biscuits, you are still giving him something nutritious to eat, rather than a whole bunch of "junk food" for him.

    I think most pups swallow the baby teeth. Nothing to worry about there.
    Good luck. Post pics. I LUV Boston Terriers!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I actually used kibble as training treats for Nala when she was a pup, so she didn't fill up on fattening stuff. I still use it, actually - I mix kibble with tiny pieces of training treats. Most training treats you buy in the store are way too big - I break them into kibble-sized pieces.


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