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The Collar Thing!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by AdaChshUnDlOvEr123, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. AdaChshUnDlOvEr123

    AdaChshUnDlOvEr123 New Member

    Hey, I have a 10 week old dachshund and her name is Tika. She is the cutiest little girl ever. I want her to be a easy dog to walk. Right now i have her on a harness and i have tried a collar and she hates both of them. I try putting it on her a little more at a time, but she is just really acting depressed. I put it on her and she just cry's and cry's and cry's , then finally she'll go to sleep, i just want her to be happy and i hate seeing her like this. Do you think it to early to start putting a collar on her? What do i DO??? :cry: it hurts me to see her like this.
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: First off, WELCOME to the forum!!! :eek:

    So, let me get this straight, she cries when you put the collar or harness on? If so, has she had any bad experiences in the past while putting the collar or leash on...or, did something bad happen in the past soon after you put it on? Are you positive she has no current health-related problems that may be causing the whining and crying?

    If it's a fear based problem associated with the collar or harness, here are some steps that I use when desensitizing dogs to objects they fear:

    What you need to do is make putting the collar or harness on a really positive experience for her. First, let her get used to just seeing the collar/harness. Set it on the floor and let her just sniff it. Then, put a few really tasty treats on the harness and let her eat it off the harness (be careful she doesn't start to chew the harness). (I know that step sounds weird, but I've had to do this with dogs who have a fear of brooms/mops/vacuums/etc., and it really does help.) Next step, touch the harness to her body, and immediately reward her with a small treat. Do that step several times in a row, touch her with the harness, give treat, touch her with the harness, give treat, etc. Take each of these steps one at a time...practice one step several times throughout the day for several days. Once you feel she is comfortable with that one step, move on to the next. **Note** During all of those steps, speak to her in a positive and enthusiastic (not overly enthusiastic, though) voice telling her how great she is!

    After you have successfully completed the above steps (which may take a couple of weeks), your next step will be to actually put the collar/harness on. When getting ready to put it on, use a really positive and enthusiastic voice while talking to your dog. Slowly put it on her all while saying how she is such a "good girl." Once you have it on, continue to praise and give her several small treats to reward her.

    I hope this helps you with the problem you are experiencing! :D

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