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The joys of "walkies"

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by gailau, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. gailau

    gailau New Member

    Just had to share our first experience with the "kids" on a walk.... please don't launch into a tirade of criticism - they are nearly 12 months old but we have not walked them before. I can probably come up with a million excuses as to why we haven't before now, but we've been content in the knowledge that they spend untold hours playing, running, rolling and chasing balls in the yard.
    Anyway, the comedy commenced with putting on their harnesses - the immediate reaction was to chew the dangly pieces - it looked like a good game. :D Needless to say, there was no co-operation in terms of where legs etc should go and my husband and I were breaking up trying to figure out how the damn things actually went together :lol: Success at last - oooh noooo - one decided to play tug-of-war, the other decided to prop and had no intentions of going anywhere! After some considerable persuasion and coaxing, we did hit the streets. Exhaustion overcame both humans and canines after one block :lol: I recall thinking about my earlier years when I had very well behaved dogs, seeing people wrestling with their animals on leashes and thinking "geez, why don't those people train their dogs" :lol:
    As it turns out, good things come to those who wait - we've been off now three weekends in a row and the dogs actually look forward to going - we're still not sure how we feel about it :lol: Next step will be some real training so that exhaustion and fatigue can be minimised :D
    I'm sure a lot of you have "been there and done that" but it did bring a smile to my face.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Good for you in finally getting out there and doing it! I'm sure your doggies are very happy. If it weren't for my dogs, I would get no exercise at all. :)

  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    lol. what kind of dogs do you have?

  4. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Lol! My Leela used to just plop down on the ground and refuse to go anywhere! Now I am really struggling to teach her NOT to pull on the lead. She pulls SO hard. She also thinks if she takes a run up she can break loose from the lead! Good luck with your walkies. Once you get into a routine you will definately enjoy it. Especially when the sun is shining!
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehe, Harley is HORRIBLE on a leash. She just wants to pull. So now, me or my beau stand on a skateboard and let her pull us. Its pretty funny to see actually. She gets going so fast, and just loves it!! We had someone drive beside us and she was pulling Curt 25 KM.

    Don't worry, some of us NEVER figure out the walk thing. ;)
  6. gailau

    gailau New Member

    Honeybears, we've got two mischievous misfits, of the heinz variety :D They were the resident pups at our local shelter on the day of our visit. We immediately tagged "Arnie" as a take home and were unsure about "Frank" until we saw some less than desirables checking him out. We immediately thought our home would be a far better destiny for him, and so our two boys came into the family :lol: If I could remember how to post their pictures I'll do so at first chance.

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