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the pit bull ban

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by pit bull lover, May 11, 2005.


should pit bulls be banned

  1. NO

    0 vote(s)
  2. yes

    0 vote(s)
  1. pit bull lover

    pit bull lover New Member

    the pit bull ban is so cruel did you know that 77% of people said no to the the ban 19% said yes to the ban and only 3% said that they did'nt care but pit bull are kind and loving dogs if you train them right and good they are the most lovable dog there is and the trianed pit bulls that havnt been beatin or hit by people love people the only reason the ones that have been trianed badly are mean to people is because they are scared that some one is going to hurt them and they want to protect them selves i almost got attacked by a wolf cross when i didnt do any thing i was walking down my street when the dog who was a big and i am 12 but really small for my age and that dog could of killed me till my dad came and scared the dog but when my dad whent to see the owner to tell him what happend and to tell him he should keep his dog locked up and the guy said "SO!i am not going to do any thing about it and i never will" there are so many people who think that it dosnt matter and i have pit bulls i am not scared of any pit bull but i am terrafed of other dogs they scare me half to deaf! i have never been atracked by a pit bull i havent even had a pit bull grall at me so i think pit bulls are safer than any other dog :!:
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Your only 12 now?
    Assuming that you are, you should be aware that any dog can bite whatever the breed and however big or small they are. The problem with the way some people think of Pit Bulls is most of the ones that people report to the police for biting are not Pit Bulls, some are Pit Bull mixes and some are not even Pit Bulls but look a bit like them, and some dont even look like them.... :shock:
    As for the dog that tried to attack you, what the owner said was wrong, maybe your dad could check and see if there is a law against dogs being off a leash in the streets....Let your dad deal with it though. I think you should stay well away from the dog and the house that the dog lives at.

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